Bruce Peninsula National Park
- Contains 43 species of orchids out of a total of around 60 in Ontario
- The endangered Eastern Massasauga rattlesnake can be found here
Physical Geography
- Located in the Great-Lakes—St. Lawrence Lowlands
- Jagged, steep cliffs and many "sculptures"
A Prezi™ Created by Richard Duan
- Strangely un-lowlands like geography is the result of erosion over thousands of years
- Consists mainly of limestone, the result of the area being a tropical ocean some 400 million years ago
Map Skills
- Located on the Niagara
- Escarpment
- In between the Georgian Bay (North) and Lake Huron (South)
- Area of around 155km², one of the largest protected areas on Southern Ontario
- Its coordinates are 45°13′33″N 81°28′06″W
- Closest city is Tobermory, about 300km from Toronto
Resources and Economic Activity
- Mostly tourism
- Most economic activity takes place in Tobermory
- Activities available include, hiking, camping, boat tours, snorkeling, and canoeing