The Andean
- Had no communication with Mesoamerica
- Deep valleys crease the western flank of the Andes mountains, as rivers drain waters from the highlands to the pacific ocean,so transportation was difficult
The Mayans
- Religiously they believed that the gods maintained the agricultural cycle in exchange for human sacrifices.
The Olmecs
- Agricultural villages appeared soon after 3000 BCE
- Unlike those in the Eastern hemisphere they did not keep many animals
- built many ceremonial centers where their elite classes lived
Australia and New Guinea
Both of these societies lived by hunting and gathering their food, humans migrated to these places long before people began to herd animals or cultivate crops. Humans arrived to New Guinea and Australia on watercrafts.
Development of early Mesoamerica
After 13,000 BCE migrants arrived in large numbers, and they quickly populated all habitable regions of the western hemisphere
Unlike the Australians the Austronesians cultivated crops, herded and domesticated animals and introduced many new crops/livestock like yams, taros, chickens and pigs
Over the centuries Australians learned to use the local resources like nuts, berries, roots, seeds and green leaves. These items consumed most of their diet.
Early civilizations of the Americas and Oceania