Effects of European Exploration
- The Hudson Bay Company built trading posts in 1780 on the Saskatchewan River in Canada. This allowed the Blackfoot's to get guns through trade.
- When the Europeans came they brought smallpox disease which killed many of the Blackfoot people.
- The repeater rifle was invented in 1860 which allowed people to shoot without reloading. This killed off most of the buffalo which was the Blackfoot's main food source.
- http://www.native-languages.org/kids.htm
- http://study.com/academy/lesson/blackfoot-tribe-history-facts-beliefs.html
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewis_and_Clark_Expedition
- http://blackfootconfederacy.weebly.com/first-contact--european.html
- http://www.bigorrin.org/blackfoot_kids.htm
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacred_bundle
- http://www.nationalgeographic.com/lewisandclark/record_tribes_005_19_20.html
- https://www.manataka.org/page255.html
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1837_Great_Plains_smallpox_epidemic
Video on the medicine song
Originally the Blackfoot Indians were located in the Northern Plains, which included Idaho, Montana and Alberta, Canada. Today there are three tribes left in Canada and one in northern Montana.
- The Blackfoot hunted bison for food
- They used deerskin for clothes
- The Blackfoot used trees and animal skins to build teepees.
- The Blackfoot worshiped many gods but the most important was the sun god
- They believed in the supernatural
- Sacred bundles or medicine bundles are used in the religious ceremonies. They are a wrapped collection of sacred items.
European Explorers
The Blackfoot met the European explorers named Meriwether Lewis and William Clark on their expedition in 1806 on their way back from exploring the Marias River.
How the Blackfoot Got
Their Name
The name "Blackfoot" comes from the word Siksika which, when translated into English, means black foot. They got this name because of the black moccasins they wear on their feet.
Picture of the Europeans with the Blackfoot