Compound Sentences!!
A compound sentence is a sentence that contains two complete ideas (called
clauses) that are related.
These two clauses are usually connected in a compound
sentence by a conjunction.
Beyonce is a great singer. I think Rhianna is better.
Beyonce is a great singer, but i think Rhianna is better.
James didn't like Chris Brown. He didn't go to the concert.
James didn't like Chris Brown,
so he didn't go to the concert.
Tuesday I watched the Denver Nuggets win. The Los Angeles Lakers lost.
Tuesday, I watched the Denver Nuggets win, but the Los Angeles Lakers Lost.
Now you make up five compound sentences.
- You must start with two complete clauses.
- Join the clauses using a conjunction. (F.A.N.B.O.Y.S.)
- Insert a comma before the conjunction.
Get creative! Have fun!