Current Strategies
- ‘Please Slow Down’ targets speeding
- ‘Pinkie’ targets speeding
- ‘Paranoia’ targets drink driving
- ‘Get Your Hand Off It’ targets mobile phone use whilst driving
- Most vulnerable 3-6 months after receiving 'Provisional' license
- due to visual and spatial
perception errors
- 33% of fatal accidents among 1st year drivers occur between 10pm and 6 am
- 20% of fatal accidents involve driver fatigue
- 40% of fatal crashes involving plate drivers are due to speed
- Drink driving, decision making, numerous
passengers, distractions (visual, physical,
Health Promotion
- Target year 11 and 12 students
- Incentives to boost attendance and retain the information provided
- Car crash simulator
- Take home freebies
- Interactive demonstrations and activities
- Posters of crash scene
- Feed back to improve future workshops
Morbidity & Mortality
- 15-24 year olds most at risk (AIHW 2008)
- In 2009, 59 people died in ' & crashes
- Leading cause of injury for 15-24 year olds
- 36.8% of injuries in males
- 45.6% of injuries in females
- 418 young people died per year between 2004-06 (ABS 2008)
- 30% of young deaths are caused by road accidents
- 656 Australians have died this year
on our roads
- As young as 16 can get their Learner
- Risks whilst on the road
- 33 times more likely to have a crash or
accident than L-platers.
- Highest causers and victims of road
traffic fatalities.
- An increased risk of sustaining fatal
- Over 6,100 P plater speeding
fines in 2009
' ' Plate Drivers &
Fatal Traffic Accidents