Love and Friendship
Love and friendship day is a holiday that we celebrate in Colombia every year in September. It is related to St Valentine’s Day but that special date was changed by commerce in Colombia and the meaning is a little different.
Love and friendship day is related to Saint Valentine's Day which is celebrated on February 14th and is a day for lovers and couples.
The date was changed in Colombia by commerce because February is a back to school season and they realized that in
September we did not have any holiday.
It is celebrated the 3rd saturday of September (after the fortnight payment) and it is not just a day for lovers, it is also a day for friends and family
Secret friend game
It is celebrated around the world but with different meanings, dates and customs.
In Colombia is called: Love and friendship day.
Comprehension Questions:
1. What holiday is related to Love and friendship day? What is the difference?
2. How Love and friendship day is celebrated in Colombia?
Discussion Questions:
1. Do you celebrate something similar in your country? When? How do you celebrate it?
2. Have you ever played secret friend? How does it works in your country?