Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
More History
The Case
- The case at first had Lindy and Micheal convicted for the death of their daughter.
- The were sent to jail.
- Three years later more of the babies clothing was fouond and Lindy and Micheal were set free.
- The case officialy remains unsovled
- The police in this case handled the evidence poorly and also did not take any photgraphs of the scene before the evidence was collected.
- The polive began trying to come up with conclusions but all of them were invalid.
- Later on more torn and bloody clothes were found, some were near a dingo's lair.
- The only peice of clothing they found was the jumpsuit the baby had other clothes that weren't found.
- A tourist was the one who found the jumpsuit when they saw police they folded the jumpsuit then shortly after a TV station crew showed up.
- Due to the jumpsuit being found by reporters as folder great suspicion was placed upon the Chamberlains.
- In the court case 'State of Ohio v. Samuel Sheppard' blood spatter evidence was used to help convict the suspect.
- The blood spatter evidence was entered in by Dr. Paul Kirk.
- This case in 1955 was one of the earliest instances of the legal system recognizing the importance of bloodspatter analysis
- Dr. Kirk was able to show the position of the suspect and in which hand the suspect held the weapon.
- It has been studied since the late 1890's
- The first known study of blood spatters occured at the 'Institute for Forensic Medicine' in Poland by Dr. Eduard Piotrowski.
- It wasn't until about the 1940's that cases started to included interpretation of blood spatters.
"A dingo ate my baby"
- Took place in August of 1980
- Involves the Chamberlian family.
- The family was camping near Ayers Rock in Central Australia.
- Lindy Chamberlain has two kids; 4 yr old Reagan and 10 week old Azaria.
- She puts them to bed in a tent and when she comes back she cried "The dingo took by baby".
- According to Lindy when she got back to the tent she saw a dingo dragging something out of the tent, she didn't exactly know what it was though
Dr. Herbert MacDonell
- Wrote the book "FlightCharacteristics of Human Blood and Stain Patterns" published in 1971.
- Trained law enforcment in blood spatter analysis and developed courses to continuw to train analysts.
- In 1983 he helped found the International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis (IABPA).
- Since then the study of bloss spatter has continued to develop and grow and is now a standard practice for law enforcment.
The Chamberlin Case
- However when she went to check on the children Azaria was gone.
- Lindy, her husband Micheal and other campers went on the search for the baby.
- One camper Sally Lowe, went into the tent to check on the other sleeping child Reagan. There she saw a small pool of blood on the tent floor.
- When the park ranger arrived he was shown the pool of blood as well as a torn bloody blanket and other bloodstained items.