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In America even though there is an abundance of fruits and vegetables they are overall very expensive and many people in the country do not make enough money to spend it on food. They result to buying cheaper foods that cost less money. This why the lower class has a lot of health issues they do not have the money for healthier foods. These health issues lead to more problems because they require very expensive treatments that cost even more money than a piece of fruit.
- There is a high unemployment rate
- When there is a bad economy , people are forced to eat stale bread soup and the thrown out parts of the pig
- The Italians refrain from eating out to save money
- When there is a good economy, Italians are able to eat the nutritional foods they need because, they can afford it
Overall: When there is a good economy, Italians can eat nutritional foods. When there is a bad economy, Italians can not afford to eat the nutritional foods they need.
- America's geography has had a big impact on what we eat
- The Midwest produces lots of grains which are exported to many parts of the country
- The big production of grains leads to high diets in carbs like bread, cereal and pasta
- The big amount of land is also perfect for raising cattle
- This leads to the huge consumption of red meat in our country like steak, burgers, and lunch meats
- This flat land also perfect for growing crops
- That is why, even though fruits and vegetables are not consumed that much there is an abundance of them in the country
Overall: There are may different parts of the country that produce different types of food groups. Some of these foods are not good the nutritional foods we need.
- Different types of pastas are made all around Italy, in the south and north because of climate
- Olive oil is made in the south of Italy and butter and lard are made in the north of Italy
- Meat is dried well in certain parts of Italy because of the hills and dry breeze
- Vegetables grow well in Italy also because of the heat
- These are all foods that are nutritional
What´s the Difference?
Overall: Different parts of Italy, produce different types of products. These products are made by the regions climate and geographical location.
The Food Pyramids
These are the pyramids for Italians and Americans. The American pyramid has way more healthy things than we actually eat. The Italian diet is accurate because their obesity levels are lower. They also eat these kinds of food and most of the people follow the pyramid. You can tell that this is true because only 9% of people are obese and 32% of America is not following a healthy diet. So I feel like the American pyramid is not accurate.
Average Italian Diet
- Only 9% of the Italian population is even heavy enough to be considered obese
- Many of the foods eaten in american that are considered Italian are not actually consumed the same way
- In Italy pasta is always a side dish and vegetables are considered the main dish
- Italian portions are much smaller
- Not a lot of red meat is consumed in Italy
- Coffee is a staple in their diet
- Most people eat fruit for dessert
Average American diet
- The average American eats 4.2 already made meals per week
- The diet is rich in red meat, dairy foods, artificially sweetened foods, and salt
- Americans eat small intakes of fruits, vegetables, and whole grain
- The western diet is linked to heart disease, obesity, and diabetes
American Diet vs. Italian Diet