Symbolism and Allegory in the
story The Scarlet Ibis
By- Sarah Jones
Doodle's coffin
The swamp
One day when Doodle's brother was feeling
sour and decided to show him his coffin, I got
the feeling that it meant something to the both
of them. Seeing his own coffin definately took a toll on Doodle, but what he never thought
about was that was the first obstacle he got through in his life. His parents were told he wouldn't live, and that they should prepare themselves. After preparing a coffin, Doodle lived. I think the coffin symbolizes the start of his life, his luck and his strength. He was going
to beat all of the odds.
The swamp was a place
the boys went to work and
play, that was their haven
to get away and focus on Doodle.
They began their efforts to teach him to walk there, and their efforts also ended there when Doodle died.
The scarlet Ibis represents
Doodle in one major way in the
story.When Doodle's family found
the Ibis and discovered the animal's
natural habitat they realized how far
it had travelled to get to their home.
After it's death the family pitied the
exotic animal, it had came so far only
to die under their bleeding tree. The
way the Ibis's story connects to Doodle's
The scarlet Ibis itself
is that althoughh Doodle was told he would never walk, he and his
bother worked until he could. Doodle came so far, but in the end when
he gets pushed past his point running home from a storm. He died, after
working for a miracle. He and the scarlet Ibis traveled long journeys
to sadly pass on.
Allegory in the story
The hidden meaning in the story to me was that
you should cherish what you have while you have it. Doodle's
brother never really praised him as far as the reader knows, but
when he dies his brother is crushed. To me that made me want
to appreciate my friends and my family more, and respect every-
thing they struggle with because you never know when your
troubles can get the best of you.
In the short story The Scarlet Ibis,
there are many uses of symbolism.
The wagon
being thrown with Doodle's
mahogany coffin
And finally...
To me that just represented another
thing Doodle conquered. He lived
when he wasn't supposed to, he
walked when he wasn't supposed to,
he's a strong boy.
There are many symbols, some easy and
others harder to find.
The grindstone
It showed how hard Doodle worked
to achieve what he did. Without his
brother he would have never tried, but
Doodle's work is what got him where he
was before he died.
Here are 5 that I've found!