Children's Depression Inventory-2
Is it valid??
Is it reliable??
What's the norm sample??
It's fairly easy & pretty quick!
Do it the old-fashioned way or
use modern technology!
- 5-15 minutes.
- Individually or small group structure.
- Available paper-and-pencil, online, and software formats.
- Paper-and-Pencil Administration and Scoring
- All CDI 2 forms can be administered and scored using the MHS QuikScore™ format.
- rater writes on the external layers of the form, and the results transfer through to a hidden scoring grid within the internal layers.
- assessor uses internal layers for getting results.
- QuikScore forms include conversion tables to convert raw scores to T-scores.
- Online Administration and Scoring
- CDI 2 can be completed and automatically scored online wherever an internet connection is available.
- allows the assessor and respondent flexibility
- significantly reduces administration and data entry time.
- Software Scoring
- Enters responses from a completed paper-and-pencil administration into the software program.
CDI-2 Multicultural Considerations
- Currently only available in English and Spanish.
- Lack of other translations limits target population.
- Not easily administered to other cultures and ethnic groups.
Type of Measure
Target Audience
Children 7-17 years of age. Parents, teacher, and Families
The Basics
Name of Measure: Children's Depression Inventory-2 (CDI2)
Author: Maria Kovacs, Ph.D.
Publisher: Multi-Health Systems Inc. in 2011.
Type of Measure: Self- Report
Target Audience: Children aged 7-17 years old, parents, families, & teachers.
Multiple editions: CDI 2 is the revised edition.
- 1st edition was published in 1992.
- 2nd edition made a few changes including:
- new items that focus on the core aspects of childhood depression.
- revised scales.
- new norms representative of the U.S. population.
- two new items.
What can we use this for?
- Emotional Problems
- Negative Moods & Physical Symptoms
- Negative Self-Esteem
- Functional Problems
- Interpersonal Problems
- Overall Ineffectiveness
Potential DSM-5 Diagnoses
- Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
- Disruptive Mood Dysregulation
- Disorder (DMDD)
- Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD)
- Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
- Conduct Disorder (CD)
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
- Eating Disorders (ED)
- A construct validity analysis showed a high correlation between two scales (Emotional Problems and Functional Problems) with r = .77
- Analysis also showed a moderate to high correlation among the subscales ranging between r=.58 to .69 indicating a hierarchical association among total, scales, and subscales
CDI-2 Test Construction
Discriminative Validity
Convergent Validity
- The CDI 2 scores were correlated with similar scales on two other instruments.
- Beck Depression Inventory-Youth Version (BDI-Y)
- Connors Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scales (Connors CBRS)
- Correlation coefficients for all versions of CDI 2 (self-report, parent report, and teacher report) scales were statistically significantly (p < .01) correlated.
- Results suggest that the different versions measure the same construct, but offer information from different perspectives of assessing depression.
By: Tonya Torres
Dani Gomez
- ANCOVA and MANCOVA analysis were used to distinguish youth with MDD symptoms from those without them.
- Results from the analysis showed that the MDD group had higher scores that were statistically significant (p<.01) in comparison to the control groups matched by age, gender, race, and ethnicity.
- The analysis of total scores and the scale scores on Emotional Problems and Functional Problems showed appropriate accuracy in differentiating between groups.
- Test-Retest Reliability conducted with a Pearsons r squared analysis
- Showed high positive reliability with r=.98
- Cronbach’s alpha was .91 which showed high positive reliability.
Any Questions?
- Requires low reading level.
- Short administration time.
- Efficient administration leads to common usage for assessing depression in school-age youth.
- Multiple versions (full version, short version, parent report scales, and teacher report).
- Can be administered individually and in a group setting.
- Allows for early intervention from multiple viewpoints.
- Sampling approaches strengthened representativeness of the 7- to 17-year-old age group in the United States.
- Reliability estimates of high or adequate level indicate appropriateness CDI 2 for practical and academic applications.
- Well organized constructs.
- Correspond with other inventories that assess depression.
The CDI-2 has it's strengths... but it's got limitations too!
Norm Sample
Bae, Y. (2012). Test review: Children’s depression inventory 2 (CDI 2). Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 30(3), 304-308.
Huang, C., & Dong, N. (2014). Dimensionality of the Children’s depression inventory: Meta-analysis of pattern matrices. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 23(7), 1182-1192. doi:10.1007/s10826-013-9779-1
Molina, C. S., Gomez, J. R., & Pastrana, M. C. V. (2009). Psychometric properties of the spanish-language child depression inventory with hispanic children who are secondary victims of domestic violence. Adolescence, 44(173), 133-148. Retrieved from
Multi-Health Systems Inc. (2014-2015). MHS Psychological Assessments and Services:CDI 2 Chidlren’s Depression Inventory 2. Retrieved from
Politi, D.M. (2012). Children’s Depression Inventory, 2nd Edition (CDI-2) Introduction and Application [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from
Watson, H. J., Egan, S. J., Limburg, K., & Hoiles, K. J. (2014). Normative data for female adolescents with eating disorders on the children's depression inventory. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 47(6), 666-670. doi:10.1002/eat.22294
- Sample of 1100 children aged 7-17 years old.
- From 26 different states in the US.
- Evenly proportioned 50 males and 50 females at each age.
- Racial ethnic distribution sample matched U.S. census distribution closely
- Reasonable spread of geographical locations of all four major regions of the U.S.
- Obtained clinical sample of 319 youth again 7-17 years old diagnosed with:
- Norms may not represent populations in other countries with different social and cultural backgrounds since sample was taken from the U.S.
- CDI-2 has mainly written-text formats, which does not account for cognitive or physically disabled.
- Translated into Spanish only whereas the CDI has been translated into 43 other languages
- Limited amount of research studies surrounding the CDI-2.
Normative Data for Female Adolescents with Eating Disorders on the Children’s Depression Inventory
Purpose: To provide normative data on the CDI for female adolescents presenting for treatment of an eating disorder (ED).
Outcome: Results supported the establishment of basic norms for the CDI in an adolescent ED population. It can be concluded that depressive symptoms in female adolescents with EDs are higher than the community on the basis of existing community- based data.
Is there any research behind this measurement?
- Study improved on the only previous study in an adolescent clinical sample by having a N size that was over twice as large as the previous one.
- This norm may help in screening for EDs.
- This information may also help develop standards for the management of EDs.
Psychometric Properties of the Spanish-Language CDI w/Hispanic Children Who are Secondary Victims of Domestic Violence
Purpose: To analyze and compare the psychometric properties of the Spanish language CDI.
Outcome: The studied demonstrated differences between the factor structure of the original version when compared to the Spanish version.
- Based off the first CDI.
- Relevant to the newer CDI-2 because the CDI-2 has only been translated into Spanish.
- Limited research had been conducted with minority children and adolescents