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  • Inspection with a rifle is done by bringing the rifle to port arms position and opening the bolt.
  • Following the last action, extend the rifle out towards the inspector, and wait for him to take it.
  • Insection will proceed
  • When done with inspection, you will receive the rifle back WITH FORCE and close the bolt
  • Go back to the standard position of attention.

  • If an officer comes to inspect, we will stop and present arms immediately.


Knowledge Continued

Group Commander - C/Maj Jordan Rodas

Deputy Group Commander - C/Capt Efrain Rosas

Executive Officer - C/2Lt Alison Ruelas

ASI - TSgt Karl Walker

Armed Drill Team Commander - C/A1C Brian Nussle

Armed Drill Team Co-Commander - C/TSgt Kelly Castaneda

Rifles - 1903 Springfield Replica Daisy Drill Rifle

National Chain Of Command:

Commander In Chief (CIC/POTUS) - The Honorable Barack H. Obama (civilian)

Vice President - The Honorable Joe Biden (civilian)

Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) - The Honorable Ashton B. Carter (civilian)

Secretary of the Air Force - The Honorable Deborah Lee James (civilian)

USAF Chief of Staff - General Mark A. Welsh III (4 star)

AETC Commander - General Robin Rand (4 star)

Air University Commander - Lieutenant General Steven L. Kwast (3 star)

Commander, Holm Center - Brigadier General Paul H. Guemmer (1 star)

AFJROTC Director - Colonel Bobby C. Woods Jr. (O-6)

CMSAF - CMSgt James A. Cody (E-9)

Basic Armed Drill Movements

Basic Armed Drill movements Continued

  • Present Arms (from Right Shoulder Arms) - Do the Port Arms Movement, followed by flicking your hand down and making the rifle parallel to your body, and a fist distance away.
  • Order Arms (from port arms) - move your hand back to the upper hand guard. Then move the rifle parallel to the side of your body. After waiting a brief moment, drop the rifle to the ground, then move your hand back to your side. At this point you should be at the standard attention position.
  • Parade rest - Extend your LEFT foot the same way you would in any other parade rest. Your left hand goes up the same way, but your right hand extends the rifle forward until your arm is fully extended.
  • Position of attention - hold the rifle at the upper hand guard with the “taco” hand shape. the toe of the butt is aligned with the toe of your shoe.
  • Facing movements (at attention) - lift the rifle an inch off the ground with your index and middle finger covering the stacking swivel, then perform the movement. Put down the rifle once you finish the movement
  • Port arms (from attention) - lift the rifle at a 45 degree angle across your body at a fist's distance away and grab the lower hand guard. Then, move your right hand to the small of the stock.
  • Right Shoulder arms - move your right hand to the butt of the rifle and move the rifle to your shoulder with your left hand covering the bolt handle. Then move your left hand back to your side.
  • Port Arms (from right shoulder arms) - Lift the rifle off your shoulder without touching it with your left hand, and let it drop into your hand. Then move your right hand back to the small of the stock

Parts Of the Rifle

Stacking Swivel

Small of the Stock



Balance Point



Butt (Toe and heel)

Rear and Front Sight

Trigger and Trigger Guard

Lower and Upper Hand Guard

Lower Sling Swivel

Upper Sling Swivel

Our Rifles

The rifles we use are standard 1903 Springfield Replica Daisy Drill Rifle, 10.5 pounds

Why we are strict about our rifles - since holding a rifle in the drill team is very honorable, we have very strict rules when it comes to keeping our rifles away from harm

Once we get rifles everyone will have their own serial number. Memorise your and your peers’ rifle serial numbers.

Serial Numbers: 6 numbers, beginning in 097. Example: 097123

History of the rifle

Earliest experiments in 14th century Europe, archers figured out that spinning an arrow makes it more accurate

Archers recorded the first ever test of a firearm, a very inaccurate rifle, in 1364, pistols shortly followed

The weapon used in Mr. Cheriff's exhibition was a .577 caliber, triple band 1853 Enfield Musket. The weapon was 56" long and weighed about 9.5 pounds

Most rifle drill teams use demilitarized Springfield M1903s, M1 Garands, and M-14s.

What is the Armed Drill Team?

  • The Armed drill team is an after school drill team that shows and performs explicit drill movements while being armed (holding a rifle). It would contain many variety of ways to hold the rifle. It can later be incorporated to form spin movements that range from beginners to expert.

While in Armed drill team you will:

  • Learn how to properly march the basic drill movements
  • Achieve top physical performance for regulation and exhibition performances

Exhibition Drill - The Basics

What is Drill Team? - a drill team is a unit that performs marching movements under command of a leader (commander)

What is Armed Drill Team? - It is the same as any other drill team, but we use rifles in our movements.

Why is there an Armed Drill Team? - since 1893, when Mr. Hadji Cheriff first performed a rifle spinning routine at the World’s Colombian Exposition in Chicago, exhibition drill ceremonies have been used throughout the country.

Exhibition drill became popular in HS ROTC programs after the mass expansion of high school programs in the 1980’s

What is the difference between exhibition drill and standard drill?

exhibition drill - a routine that involves complex marching movements, performed without a formal drill card with required movements.

standard drill - a more formal routine that is done with a set of already decided movements.

PSHS AFJROTC Armed Drill Team


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