Applies to Real Life
Discussion Points
- How has the scarcity to abundance of connectivity effected you?
- With social media helping people communicate all around the world how should this effect laws? Should there be universal regulations to aid in transparency?
Main Ideas and Concepts
- Third Option of Communication: Two Way Media that operates on a scale from private to public 'No longer silent consumers we are noisy producers
- How Social Media has changed the principle thoughts and Ideas of how public communication occurs
- The Media Industry has to approach the usage of technology differently to traditional concepts
Communication Technologies &
Tutorial Week 5
Skirky, C, 2010, Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age
Prepared by Vivienne Ligaiviu U3037115
Friday 11.30
14 Sepember 2012
- South Korea's Public protest of US Beef
- Trenty-Wagar vs
- Gutenberg Economics
- Maxine Hong Kingston and a new platform for publishing work
- "Language lets us work at the right level of ambiguity; if we had to think about every detail of every system in our lives all the time, we'd faint from Over Exposure"
- Digital Sharecropping
- The Shock of Inclusion