Bidirectional Influence on Teachers and Students: The Extramural Effects of Classroom Writing
Summary: The Extramural Effects on Student and Teacher Lives!
Moving beyond academic borders, bidirectional effects can be seen for and from both student and teacher. Students’ lives are changed by their assignments and writing, which in turn, changes their teachers’ lives. Cross-cultural encounters with diverse communities beyond the demarcations for learning. Students and teachers learn from each other and co-accomplish goals resulting in and from the extramural effects from the bidirectional influence on our lived experiences.
We affect each other's lives!
Sophie Huard - Arizona State University
Michael D. Winans - Arizona State University
Mike forgot the tent poles at the last camp :( Slept in This.
Coyote Packs Howled
Extramural Effects of Sophie's Texts & 52 Miles!
Mike & Daeun
On the Highline Trail!
Class Context
Sophie's Multimedia Project
- English 102 - second semester of first-year composition (FYC)
- Based on stated goal of the ASU Charter “Enhance our local impact and social embeddedness”
Sophie's Texts
Mention the Highline Trail
A 52-Mile National Recreation Trail
Sophie's PK
- 20 slides
- 20 second per slide
Auto advanced
Mike's 102 Texts
- Project 1: Rhetorical Analysis of a Non-Profit Website
- Project 2: Evaluation of the Non-Profit
- Project 3: Proposal: Multimedia Project that Benefits the Non-Profit
- Multimedia Project: Negotiated & Presented Pecha Kucha (PK) Style
Thank you!
Sophie Huard
Michael D. Winans
Hold Questions for Panel Discussion