Unilever's structure
- Unilever has Head quarters in London and Rotterdam
- It has 13 subsidiaries
- Largely pharmaceutical TNC which manufactures home care, personal care and food brand products
- Owns a total of around 400 separate brands globally - only 40 brands available in the UK
- Hugely popular; 16 out of 40 brands are market leaders
- Their products are found in 9 out of 10 UK homes
Facts & Statistics
Impacts : Positive
- Made over 49.8 billion euros in 2012
- has over 170,000 employees
- Owns 14 billion euro brands
28% UK
23% USA
7% Netherlands
42% Other
- The are involved in global projects to promote sustainability
- 'The Sustainable Living Plan'
- They aim to improve health and hygiene, waste and packaging, sustainable sourcing, fairness in the workplace, opportunities for women and inclusive business.
- Eg: By 2020, they hope to :
- source 100% of raw agricultural materials sustainably, empower 5 million women and enhance human rights across operations (indirectly & directly)
Unilever's founding companies were producing soaps and margarines
Companies were expanding quickly and decided to merge together; creating Unilever
Unilever expands into the food market as well as increasing investment in research and development
The world economy was expanding; so Unilever began to create new products and an aquisitions program (buying other companies)
Unilever expands into Central and Eastern Europe : aims to focus the brand on core brands only - sells 2/3rds of it's brands
Impacts : Negative
A global Trans National Corporation