The House vs the Senate
A Differential Comparison
The House
The Senate
The Similarities
- Members must be from their state
- Members are mostly white males
- Incumbency rates are high
- Propose bills to become laws
- Houses of Congress
- Vote on bills and amendments
- Use committees to get work done
- Joint committees help resolve differences
- Have majority and minority leaders
Thanks for watching
- 435 Members
- Representation determined by population
- The Speaker of the House presides
Entrance Requirements
- 25 Years Old
- Citizen of the US for ≥ 7 Years
- The House must start the impeachment process.
- The House must start all bills related to money.
- The House votes on the president in the case that nobody gets a majority of the electoral votes.
Entrance Requirements
Terms / Elections
- 30 Years Old
- Citizen of the US for ≥ 9 Years
Day to Day Operations
- Almost everything is done in committees.
- Limited floor debate time.
- Formal atmosphere.
- Decentralized, distributed structure.
- Members serve six year terms
- 1/3 of seats are elected every two years
- Incumbency Rate: 81.61%
- The Senate tries officials that the House has voted to impeach.
- The Senate confirms presidential appointments.
- The Senate can ratify treaties with a 2/3 vote.
Source: Center for Responsive Politics
General Information
- 435 Members
- Representation based on population
- The Speaker of the House presides
- Members serve two year terms
- All seats are up for grabs every two years
- Incumbency Rate: 93.35%
Source: Center for Responsive Politics
General Information
Day to Day Operations
- Committees play an important role, but not as big as in the House
- Unlimited floor debate time
- Fairly informal atmosphere
- Centralized structure
- 100 Members
- Representation fixed at 2 per state
- The Vice President presides; however, he can only vote in the case of a tie