- Athenian boys were educated on how to be good citizens
- Formal education was only for the sons of wealthy families
- They studied reading, grammar, poetry, history, math and music
- At the age of 18, they were sent off to Military school to defend Athens
- Girls were taught to put service above family
- Girls couldn't attend school- they learned how to care for their house and their household
- Population- 150,000-200,000
- Location- A peninsula that stretches southeastward into the Aegean Sea. The city is surrounded by the Plain of Attica.
- Population-140,000
- Location- Southern Greece near the Evrotas River and in the center of Peloponnese.
- Followed a democracy
- All political matters were in the hands of male citizens
- Women had no say
- Spartans didn't value what the Athenians valued when it came to education
- Boys at the age of seven were sent to military training
- The main goal of Spartan education was to produce good soldiers
- Military training for young boys was very brutal and challenging
- Girls could undergo the full "school experience"- with one of their classes being physical education
- Boys were taught survival skills and often stole to prove that they were resourceful
- All forms of individual expression were discouraged
- Contact with outsiders was never allowed
- Women had more rights
- Men could come back home at age 30 from the military
- Known as an armed city-state
- Lived in fear of their Helots revolting against them
- They valued duty, strength, and discipline over freedom, individuality and beauty.
- Followed a Oligarchy
- Those who held the highest title-wealth wise made all political decisions
- At one point was ruled by two kings and 28 council members
- Intellectual pursuits
- Boys went to school to be good citizens
- Women were strictly controlled
- Girls did not attend school
- They were taught by their mothers how to become good wives.
- A few learned to read and write.
- Woman had no say in political matters
- Were expected to STAY inside.
- Couldn't leave the house without a male figure.
- Expected to produce male children.
- Could own property
- Had an influence on the government
- Girls were taught at a young age to put service above their family.
- "Come back with your shield or on it."- was what was told to the sons before they went to war.
- Wore more revealing clothing
Athens Social Structure
- 1st- Freedman: All male citizens, Government officials, wealthy,etc
- 2nd- Metics: Outsiders, non-citizens
- 3rd-Slaves: Considered the lowest class but had more rights than women
- 4th- Women: Had no rights
- The introduction of direct democracy
- The Parthenon
- Theatrical Productions
- First history book- written by Herodotus
- Philosophic thinking
- Art styles
- Beautiful architecture
- Military techniques
- Advanced intellectual culture and verbal skills
- Only Greek city-state that allowed women rights of freedom
- Largely similar to other armies of the region
- From ages 18-20, boys were sent to military school to defend Athens
- Had a powerful navy
- Had the most powerful army in Greece from 600-371b.c
- Boys left home for military training at the tender age of 7
- Up until age 18, they went through years of hardcore training
- They slept without blankets on hard benches
- Had a limited source of good food- which encouraged them to steal
- Those that stole and got away with it were known as resourceful
- Boys were told from their mothers: "Come back with your shield or on it."
- Ate more vegetables and fruits than meats
- Green peas
- Lentils
- Beans
- Olive oil-used to add flavor to various dishes
- Diet was based on bread
- Wealthy ate big dishes and had grand meals
- Theory on food was that they ate to be healthy and strong
- Diet was basic- treated as just that and not as an indulgence
- Food sources were limited
- Honey
- Meat: pigs, goat and sheep
- Cheese
- Milk
- Figs & wine
- Broths & soups
- Those in military school were fed a nasty porridge
- 1st class: Women, wealthy, well paid working class, Government officials, military commanders, those who come back on their shield or with it.
- 2nd class: Freed slaves, those adopted into the culture, loss citizens or traders
- 3rd class: Slaves (Helots), outsiders.
Athens vs Sparta
By: Amber Ross, Jordi Calderon & Sarai Reyes