lifestyle or occupation
indus valley civilization
custom/ religion
indus valley
indus valley
The Indus Valley Civilization was an ancient civilization located in what is Pakistan and northwest India today.
. The popular occupations were pottery and sculptures.
. Craftsmen - metal-smiths, potters, spinners, weavers, carpenters - and labourers were the popular occupations in this civilization.
mesopotamian civilization
. Men wore flowing lengths of cloth and women wore skirts.
. The people followed Hinduism.
Ancient Mesopotamia refers to the place where humans first formed civilizations. It was here that people first gathered in large cities, learned to write, and created governments. For this reason Mesopotamia is often called the "Cradle of Civilization".
. The merchants traded food, clothing, jewelry, wine and other goods between the cities.
. The men wore kilt-like skirts and the women wore longer dresses.
. The cultures of Mesopotamia had a polytheistic belief system ( the people believed in multiple gods)
. Silver and sapphire were imported from Persia and Afghanistan. Besides ivory works, combs, pearls were exported to West Asia from the Indus cities.
. Ornaments like bangles and necklaces were also worn by men and women that was made out of gold, silver etc.
. They enjoyed wearing jewelry, especially rings and bangles.
indus valley jewllery
mosapotamian jewllery
. Worship of tree, fire, water and probably sun seems to have been in vogue among the Indus people.
. More than 2,000 gods and goddesses have been identified.
town planing
indus valley
trading item : plate
trading items : jug
god of mesopotamian
god of indus valley
. The great cities of this civilization are Uruk,Akkad,Assur,Babylon,Nimrud,
. The major cities of Indus valley civilization were Harappa, Mohenjo-daro, Lothal, Dholavira, Ganweriwala, Kalibanga, Banwalli etc.
. The houses were grouped into congested blocks, where partywalls were common.
.They had houses on both sides of streets, brick on edge platforms, bathrooms and drains of baked bricks.
.The wealthier classes of lived in ample hoses of dozen or rooms, arranged on two storeys, and whitewashed inside and out.
. The kings and queens lived on the citadel (the top )
indus valley
Conclusion -
Geographical factors like rivers and fertile lands which help humans to settle in one place to farm.
Excellent irrigation system which lead to the construction of canals,dams,reservoirs etc.
Cultural and technological innovations .
Growth of population.
Farming and grazing of animals.
Proper Town Planning
Are these factors true in the Modern world ? Justify your answer.
Some of the common factors which led to the development of these two civilizations are true for some of the places in the modern world. Some countries have proper town planning, good trading and technological innovations. But some countries are undeveloped.All the countries have growth of population.
About Them
Arabs were very good sailors, and the UAE took advantage of the exchanges with their Muslim brothers. But soon, Europeans began to travel, to colonize, and they were very interested in India and Asia. In the seventeenth century, they realized that the UAE tribes represented a threat to their commercial fleets. The British and the Portuguese attacked the UAE ports. But the Arab ports were not easy to take, and with some tricky alliances and treasons (it was often the case at that time), the Arab gained some beautiful victories over some European nations.Emirates find peace ... but still not wealth, as the British had maritime trade well under control. The Arab survived with pearl trade, but that did not make them rich. While the world has developed, the UAE remain under British protectorate, mainly living in the desert, trading with camel caravans. But in 2nd december ,1971 UAE became independent.
U.A.E Civilization
The first traces of civilization in the UAE date from 7500 years from now.
Archaeological excavations show that at that time, early Bedouins practiced trade and were rather nomadic than sedentary. Even then, the area was a sandy desert, with no animals except a few camels, and without water, which means there was no vegetation. Only in the few oases could grow palm trees and a few other cultures. It was therefore necessary to move in order to survive and the inhabitants of the region were naturally merchants and nomads. . With Islam came the Arabic language and the culture that goes with it: Islamic art, writing, but also mathematics, astronomy. As the site was strategically interesting (the UAE are at the door of the Persian Gulf), they had to conquer the seas.
indus valley civilization
mesopotamian civilization
by haritha byju
6 E