Primary causes of depression and anxiety in older adults?
Barriers & Feasibility
Wilderness Therapy
as a Treatment for
Among Older Adults
Benefits of Wilderness Therapy on Depression/Anxiety
Physical activation
Group benefits
Meaning making
Enhanced mood
Depression/Anxiety among Older Adults
How is it used
What is Wilderness Therapy?
- Primary mental health problems for older
women - secondary for men (behind
substance abuse)
Jessica Lister
April 10, 2012
Psychoeducation/Support group
- Often goes untreated amongst
older adults
Benefits of WT on late-life depression/anxiety? Risks?
- Connects people to a group of individuals who are also pursuing a healthy and positive lifestyle
- Many older adults who suffer
from these issues have struggled with symptoms for much of their lives.
- Help understand the causes of depression/anxiety, and how these wilderness activities can be beneficial
- Primary causes - stressors that sometimes come with aging, such as poor health, memory problems, losses, common fears about aging, being dependent on others, etc.
Risks of Wilderness Therapy for Older Adults
- Injury, both physical and mental (could cause additional anxiety or depression)
activation for children and adolescents, young adults
Survival skills
- Some older adults may require routine medical attention/may risk daily health concerns
- ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, addiction, depression
- Wilderness Therapy may be an effective treatment option for older adults who suffer from depression and/or anxiety.
- May be highly unfeasible for city-dwelling older adults
- Benefits for these demographics: team-building, assertiveness, self-reliance, self-evaluation, etc.
and escape the distractions
of day-to-day society
- Builds confidence in ability to navigate obstacles
- Like most interventions, it should be modified to suit the needs of older adults.
- Struggle with comparison to "boot camps"
What is Wilderness Therapy?
- Could also be used as a preventative treatment model
- Intimidating for frail elders, or those who are physically unable to participate
- The high cost combined with a narrow subset of older adults who would be willing and able to participate may elicit cost/benefit considerations
- Depression/anxiety may hinder motivation in an otherwise willing participant
How could WT be modified so that it is most beneficial to late-life depression/anxiety?
Team Building
"Wilderness is not a luxury, but a necessity to the human spirit."
-Edward Abbey, Environmentalist
rather than beginning
with an expedition
- Include family members as part of team
- Promotes cooperation, patience, leadership, problem-solving, etc.
- Encourages team members to ask for help in times of need
Thank you!
What is Wilderness Therapy?
(viewing, presence, and participation)
- Active participation or involvement in nature - The use of professionally led wilderness expeditions as a therapeutic intervention
(primary focus)
“An individual’s harmony with his or her ‘own deep self’ requires not merely a journey to the interior but a harmonizing with the environmental world.”—James Hillman
challenging series of tasks
that promote increased
Photo based on: 'horizon' by pierreyves @ flickr