Shmoop Editorial Team. "Beowulf Theme of Good vs. Evil" Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008
Why is it important that Beowulf be depicted fighting demons and monsters, instead of fighting rival tribes or men? How do the kinds of antagonists Beowulf face help to keep the conflict black and white?
Beowulf can only take heroic action against fantastic creatures like demons and monsters which suggests that real heroism is impossible in the context of mankind's wars between different tribes and factions. What do you think?
- Monsters are easy to dislike
- Monster usually has a negative connotation
- To promote Christianity
- Makes Beowulf look good
- Heroism is possible in man's wars
- Good intentions bad result
- Spanish Inquisition
- Salem Witch Trials
- Colonization
- Civil War
- Bad intentions good results
- 9/11
"Shut away from men: they split/ into a thousand forms of evil... A brood forever opposing the Lord's will..." (Beowulf 25-29).
Beowulf: Good vs Evil
God plays an extremely important role in Beowulf, as do supernatural demons and monsters, but there is no single focus of evil such as the Devil, mentioned in the epic. Why do you think the poet chose to make the conflict between good and evil somewhat one-sided?
Are any of the groups in the epic, such as the Danes and the Geats are depicted as inherently good or evil - or do they all seem approximately equal? Do you as a reader take sides?
- Good should always win
- To promote Christianity
- Stories about heroes winning are better than stories about death
- No groups are depicted as good or bad
- Both sides have strong values
- Both are arrogant
- Monsters are only race considered inherently evil
- God only one inherently good
- Both had to deal with invasions every day
"...Though he lived/ In Herot, when the night hid him, he never/ Dared to touch king Hrothgar's glorious/ Throne, protected by God" ( Beowulf 81-84).
Is Beowulf completely good or does he have flaws?
" Of pirates, raiders sneaking ashore/ From their ships, seeking our lives and our gold"(Beowulf 138-139).
- Beowulf is not completely good
- boastful
- arrogant
- stubborn
"...I, alone and with the help of my men,/ May purge all evil from this hall...." ( Beowulf 244- 245).