Pulmonary Respiration
Buccal Respiration
a frog using buccal respiration
- the pulmonary system contains the larynx, trachea, nasal cavity, buccal cavity and a pair of lungs that hold alveoli
- the larynx connects the upper and lower airway, the trachea, or the windpipe, along with many other tubes divides the lungs and the bronchial tubes and the nasal cavity heats, cleans and moisturizes the air a frog breathes
- frogs close their mouths during pulmonary respiration
- whilst resting on a lily pad or on land, frogs breathe through the buccal cavity; this is called buccal respiration
- when frogs breathe through the buccal cavity and it lowers, the mouth and glottis, the opening to the windpipe, close, but the nostrils remain open
- since frogs aren't on land all the time, the buccal system is responsible for only 5% of the oxygen intake
a frog resting
on a lily pad
a diagram of the nasal cavity
Cutaneous Respiration
Have you ever wondered how a frog's respiratory
system worked? Well, look no further. In this Prezi, I will teach you all the types of respiration in the frog's complex respiratory system .
gas exchange
near the skin
The frog's respiratory system was amazing! The three different types of system were bizarre as well. My favorite part was the cutaneous respiration section. I find it so cool that frogs can breathe through their skin! The buccal respiration was about frogs breathing through the mouth and the glottis. The pulmonary respiration taught us about the lungs. Well, that concludes my Prezi!
- cutaneous respiration is when frogs respire, or breathe, through their skin
- frogs resort to cutaneous respiration during hibernation or aestivation, when frogs hibernate when it gets too hot
- 33.3% of an adult frog's oxygen goes through the skin, but tadpoles take in 66.6% of their respiration through the skin
- the epidermis on a frog's skin is the outer skin with many layers of dead cells, while the dermis is the inner skin
How Does a Frog's
Respiratory System
By Danny