asexual- someone who does not experience sexual attraction
corrective rape-
sexual assault perpetrated with the intent of changing someone's sexual/romantic orientation; not an issue limited to those on the ace spectrum, but they are especially susceptible
The Asexual Spectrum
more than it appears...
this is our flag
thank you!
compulsory sexuality
corrective rape
group X
asexual ▼
matters of the heart
the asexual spectrum
asexuality only describes one kind of attraction— sexual. but there are other kinds of attraction too.
asexual- experiences no sexual attraction
"asexuals can still fall in love!"
demisexual- experiences sexual attraction only after a strong emotional bond is established
allosexual- not on the ace spectrum
this is true. asexuals can certainly fall in love. and it's important to establish that romantic and sexual orientations are separate entities. but be careful with this, because it's easy to throw aromantic people under the bus. using an interest in romance as a way to justify that asexuals are still human/normal makes the implication that romance is what makes people human/normal. and this not only erases aromantic people but reinforces an amatonormative stance.
asexuality vs celibacy
greysexual- describes someone who is in the 'grey area' between asexual and allosexual and is a more general term; includes demisexuals
celibacy is a choice to abstain completely from sexual activity
asexuality is a sexual orientation in which a person doesn't experience sexual attraction
asexuals may choose to be celibate, but being celibate does not mean that a person is asexual.
attitudes on sex
sex repulsion- disgust and/or discomfort with sexual acts, imagery, etc
sex aversion- not wanting to participate in sexual acts
sex indifference- a neutral stance on sex; not opposed to sex but also not in favor of it.
sex-positive- willing to have sex
autochorissexualism- "a disconnection between oneself and a sexual target/object of arousal"; porn/erotica/fantasies vs actual sexual activities
touch aversion- not wanting to touch or be touched by others
oppression and erasure
the idea that sex is something that should be sought after and valued and that reinforces the need for people to be sexual and/or sexually available
compulsory sexuality
examples include:
equating sex to love or using sex as a marker for the validity or legitimacy of a relationship
assuming trauma
"you'll find someone some day"
view of asexuals as 'needing to be fixed'
lumping sex-indifferent asexuals as sex-positive
asexuals are estimated to make up only about 1% of the population
using the existence of sex-positive asexuals to invalidate/ignore sex-repulsion
= almost 73 million people
trying to 'find sexuality' in asexual people by asking them about porn/masturbation/arousal/etc.
blatant denial of the existence of asexuality
visibility matters because asexuals matter.