Thank You
Successful operation of the centre will be highly dependent on organized strategies, adequate planning, resource and time management anchored by a strong, dedicated and efficient team
To Sum Up
To create a centre that will drive youth excellence in science, technology, engineering and mathematics through interactive teaching methods, skills development and active community engagement
Inkcubeko Youth and Science Centre Workshop
- Mentorship for external programmes will be offered through the centre via student volunteer recruitment
- Local Dept of Education will serve as a major stakeholder as the custodian of primary and FET phase school learners
Partnerships and Youth Development
- The science centre will serve as a facilitator for youth programmes initiated through various possible partnerships
Science Centre Community Involvement
Post Matrics and Students
- Primary and High School learners will form the major bulk of visitors to the science centre
- Curriculum support will be offered to the learners
- Study Lab
- Schools Outreach
- Extracurricular activities that offer career opportunities and skills development will be offered
- Pre-existing programmes
- In-house programmes
- Public lectures, demonstrations, presentations and seminars will be made accessible to the public to create scientific awareness
- Public science competitions will also create a space for public engagement and participation in scientific activities
- Through engagement with community leaders, the centre will serve as a space for development of community based projects
- The centre will be open to not just the youth but members of the public aswell
- Local businesses will be supported to help boost the local economy
- Qualified personnel within their fields will be approached to assist in the development of programmes and events for the science centre
- Public lectures/ seminars and demonstrations
- Professionals will also play a major role in development of exhibitions
- University and FET students will be approached to serve as volunteer staff
- Students may assist with development of scientific demonstations and presentations of research work to the general public
- Such and initiative will serve as a platform for skills development
Science Centre Vision
- Facilitate youth interest, understanding and engagement in current trends and developments in science and technology
- A conducive space for youth from disadvantaged communities to access information and develop their scientific skills
- Develop and support young researchers and innovators
Presentation by: K.R Motsewabangwe
(Science Centre Coordinator)
- Promote and facilitate community participation in scientific and social developments in and around the community
- Break negative stereotypes associated with STEM
- Create a platform of engagement between scientists and the geneal public
- Provide assistance to learners and educators through exciting interactive teaching methods
Science Centre Mandate
- Serve the Youth of Thembalethu
- Create a safe space for the youth of Thembalethu to explore how the world around them works
- Ignite interest and curiosity in persuing careers in STEM