Andrew Jackson
Effects of "Gag Resolution
System set by President Jackson in which political offices given to those supporting Jackson's campaigns. The purpose was to reward political supporters with political positions. This system was a form of corruption as it allowed one party to dominate. This system gave new meaning to supporting a party; meaning that if you supported a party long enough you will eventually get rewarded.
Van Buren had become president which made him take on the responsibilities including all the problems left behind by former President, Jackson. Jackson's previous actions of removing the federal funds into smaller banks led to an economic crash in the U.S., aka the Panic of 1837. Over-speculation in western lands, and the Bank War made the issue worse. The banks began to close, businesses started to close, and people lost most of their land. Despite the severity of the issue, Van Buren stuck to Jefferson's philosophy, and did not allow the Federal Government to interfere and fix the problem. In a final attempt to solve the issue, Van Buren established an independent treasury which removed money form private banks andp place them in government vaults, which reduced the amount of credit that was available in the economy
Important Events during his Presidency include...
- Spoils System
- Bank War with Biddle
- Nullification Crisis
- Indian Policy
- Texas Independence
- Henry Clay
- Terms as President lasted from 1829 to 1837
- Former President Andrew Jackson raised 11 children, none of which were his!
- His advisers were known as the "Kitchen Cabinet"
- President Jackson's height was 6 feet and 1 inch!
The origins of this Bank War lies in President Jackson's deep hatred for Hamilton's National Bank. In his second term, when the charter for the bank was coming to an end, Jackson was plotting to shut it down and not renew its charter. Nicholas Biddle was Jackson's opponent in this matter. Biddle claimed that Jackson could not constitutionally close down the bank. Biddle was afraid that he would lose his power once his position as head of the bank would no longer exist. In fact, many saw Biddle's immense power as unconstitutional, and against American Democracy. The war was resolved with Jackson vetoing the rechartering of the bank, and the bank was not brought back until Abraham Lincoln's term.
The "Gag Resolution" was the decree that prohibited Congress from debates or discussions about slavery. This was implemented because Northern abolitionists were petitioning for freedom for all. The resolution endangered the right to freedom of speech. This resolution also gave Congress more time and also allowed the country to avoid the issue of slavery. This resolution also led to heated arguments, and hatred between the North and South. This resolution also slightly decreased the power of the South, as they could no longer discuss their biggest conflict.
President Jackson was harsh in his policy towards Native Americans. Jackson saw the Indian tribes (Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, etc.) as obstacles in the way of progress. Jackson wanted to acquire land in the for the whites in Eastern America, so he enacted the Indian Removal Act, which forced Indians to be transported from the East to sections of Oklahoma. This forced removal is also knows as the Trail of Tears. Also, Jackson allowed the state of Georgia to declare the Cherokee tribe as illegal, because they posed as a threat to the prosperity of Georgians. The Cherokees took to court, where their rights were upheld,, but Jackson disregarded that courts ruling.
The Nullification Crisis occurred when the South was upset about the extremely high Tariff of Abominations (enacted by Jackson), and saw the tariff as both unjust and unconstitutional. In order to get out of having to pay this tariff, the South decided to establish the concept that if any law passed by Federal Government can be declared null and void by the states, if they saw it as an unfair law. The theory of this nullification was publicized, and raised fear about an even bigger issue, secession. During this issue, the Great Compromiser, Henry Clay emerged as the hero as he successfully resolved it with a compromise. However, the issue was not completely resolved and will come back to haunt the nation.
The Aroostook War was a border conflict between the U.S. and the British, and it concerned the area of Maine and New Brunswick. American and Canadian lumberjacks actually engaged in a shooting conflict for a time in the early 1840s which became known as the Aroostook War. Secretary of State Daniel Webster and British envoy Lord Ashburton negotiated the Webster-Ashburton Treaty, which used compromise to establish the northern border between Maine and Canada, this treaty was signed after Van Burent's Presidency.
It was under President Jackson's term that the Great Compromisor, Henry Clay, revealed his powers. Henry Clay was granted the position of Secretary of State under John Quincy Adams, after he had given his electoral votes to Adams. Clay was in opposition of President Jackson, and he also became the leader of the Whig Party. Clay was able to effectively settle the Nullification Crisis with the Compromise of Tariff of 1833. Henry Clay will remain a key figure in American History, thus it is important to know when he first became an influential American.
Many Americans were immigrating to Texas because of the cheap and abundant land. As more slave owning whites dominated Texas, Mexico ordered Texans to abolish slavery in an attempt to reestablish its authority. Unrest of Tejans under the ineffective Mexican rule led to a revolution in Texas. The Texans fought the Battle of Alamo on December of 1835, and executed Santa Anna on March 1835. Texas finally won its independence, and now posed as a new issue for President Jackson. Jackson set aside his desire to annex Texas as a slave state, and recognized Texas as an independent Republic. However the issue of annexing Texas still lingered, and will be the bigges issue in America in a few years.
Martin Van Buren
- Terms as President lasted from 1837 to 1841
- Martin Van Buren's nickname was "The Little Magician!"
- Van Buren's native language was Dutch!
- His height was 5 feet and 6 inches!
Important Events during his Presidency include...
- Panic of 1837
- Effects of "Gag Resolution"
- Amistad Incident
- Aroostook War
Presidents of America
1829 -1841
Andrew Jackson & Martin Van Buren
Lalee, Arteta, Wright, Marquez, Heidman