Interested in how people communicate in regular situations and the understandings that develop as a result.
The effects society has on the individual
Verstehen: One must see life through someone else’s eyes and shoes.
Dating/marriage traditions
How does the King of Thailand affect the everyday life of a Thai person?
Why does September 11 mean so much to the United States?
Every part of society has a purpose
to help stabalize society.
Social systems work correctly because people find consensus about what is most beneficial for society as a whole.
Shared beliefs keep society together.
Society works together as cooperative parts that have specific purposes.
The things that are noticeable are the only things that can be studied.
Society needs to experience change and unrest.
The fittest societies survive
Reason for social change
Social Dynamics
Social Darwinism
Topics of Interest
Sample Questions
Why do people buy cell phones?
How is a government set up?
Interested in competition between groups
Interested in those who have power and those who do not have the power.
When a group attains power over another group, they will make laws and rules to protect their position of power.
Karl Marx
Studies the conflict between the capitalists an workers.
Two class Society
Topics of Interest
Employment disagreements
Race relations
Family decision making
Sample Questions
How has the problem between country ‘A’ and country ‘B’ changed in the past 30 years?
How do children deal with the parental authority?
Sociological Perspectives
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