History of Evaluating Faculty at FWM
Head Teacher Bands
Years of Experience Median Salary Salary Band
0-5 $45,600 $38k - $52k
6-12 $52,200 $44k - $60k
13-18 $56,800 $48k - $65k
19-25 $62,200 $52k - $72k
Adjusted to 5% above NAIS median salaries of teachers in schools <201 students in New England.
No evaluation system
Lack of accountability
Perceived favoritism
Appetite for development
Tangible Outcomes
- Faculty Salary Scale
- Goal Setting
- Convene a FE Committee
Act I:
Faculty Evaluation
- Observation Document
- End of Year Summary
Developing a Faculty Evaluation
Area for School Improvement: Faculty Evaluation
- Toddler and Primary Observation Tools were ineffective
- Original committee was not set up for success
What did not work?
What is the Goal:
To provide a clear pathway towards growth as an educator and team member.
What is the Experience:
1) A celebration of strengths and gifts as a teacher.
2) A window into those hidden areas that require reflection, attention, and growth.
- Achieved Goals
- Buy-in from faculty
- Modeled positive leadership
- Re-affirmed the importance of "letting go"
- Aligned with the Mission and Vision of FWM
"All of us have gifts to give and areas that require growth – the faculty evaluation process seeks to uncover both in a way that is transparent and non-threatening."
- Establish the Goal
- Develop the "skeleton"
- Create a 3 year FE Cycle
- Convene a FE Committee
The "Skeleton"
- Self-Evaluation
- Informal Observations
- Formal Observations
- Post Observation Meetings
- End of the Year Summary Meeting
- Peer Observations
- Evaluation Cycle
Sept.-Oct. Self-Assessment
Oct.- Dec. Observation #1 & Post
Jan. Check-in
Jan-April Observation #2 & Post
May-June End of Year Summary
Act II:
Faculty Evaluation
Tangible Outcomes
"Regardless of how the lesson goes..."
- Provide feedback on the "skeleton"
- Discuss, revise, and makes changes to the process
- Review evaluation documents
- Provide feedback on meetings
Committee Work
CME Case Study
Chris Robertson
Fraser Woods
- Including the teachers being evaluated
- Staying focused on the goals and experience
- Providing specific feedback
What did work?
The Committee
- Teachers in 1st Evaluation Cycle
- Representation from all levels
- Novice and Veterans
- Direct and Vocal