Imperfect Fungi
- Penicillium
- blue and green molds that grow on decaying fruits, vegetables, jellies,and preserves.
More facts
- They are called imperfect fungi because there has never been a sexual reproductive stage observed from them.
- also called "deuteromycetes"
- The group comprises about 25000 species.
- Imperfect fungi also include the human-molesting athlete’s foot and yeast infections.
- Heterotrophic
Life Cycle
- their sexual form of reproduction has never been observed; hence the name "imperfect fungi." Only their asexual form of reproduction is known, meaning that this group of fungus produces their spores asexually.
- a special kind of genetic recombination called parasexuality may occur. In parasexuality, genetically distinct nuclei within a common hypha exchange portions of chromosomes.
- Imperfect fungi give blue, Gorgonzola and Roquefort cheeses their unique flavors, and are used to create penicillin.
- Some imperfect fungi are parasitic and cause disease in animals and plants.
By: Nichole C. & Mercedes P.