Georg Willhelm Friedrich Hegel
How to Remember Hegel
1. Hegel's full name is: Georg Willhelm Friedrich Hegel
2. Hegel created a four step system to connect Reality to the Whole:
Thesis-->Antithesis-->Synthesis-->New Thesis(Old Synthesis)
3. Four word name for a repeating four step process
Biography and Philosophy
- The mind imposes categories (concepts) on experience to a different conclusion.
- There were two separate worlds the phenomenal world and the moral dimension.
- There were separate categories.
- Kant's categories exist independently of any specific induvidual's mind. They are mental processes and objective realities.
- The dialectic process is Hegel's attempt to connect the two worlds into one.
- Hegel aimed to create a complete picture that included all aspects of life.
Thank you!
Dialectic Process
How Hegel Conquers His Quest
(The Book)
Dialectic (process)
- A continuous three step process
- Thesis
- Antithesis
- Synthesis
The Science of Logic (1812, 1816)
Dialectic Process
Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences in Outline (1817)
The Phenomenology of Mind (1807)
Hegel was born on August 27th, 1770 in Stuttgart Germany.
- Hegel studied theology at the University of Tubingen.
- This is where he befriended Friedrich Holderlin and Friedrich W.J. von Schelling who influenced Hegel's philosophies greatly.
- He was a private tutor at Bern and then Frankfurt.
- He inherited a fair amount of money from his father's death which allowed him to focus on his philosophical work.
Philosophy of Right (1821)
Hegel's Main
Philosophical Quest
- Hegel was influenced by Kant's philosophical ideas
- Karl Marx was a student of Hegel's and was influenced greatly by him; however everyone knew about Hegel and either agreed with his philosophy or disagreed with him but nobody could ignore his profound work.
Hegel wanted to connect Reality to the Whole
- Hegel was a philosophy teacher and the headmaster at the gymnasium in Nuremburg.
- The gymnasium is similar to a university.
- He was then appointed to chair of philosophy at the Univeristy of Heidelberg
The Phenomenology of Mind (or Spirit)
“Knowledge as it is at first, or the immediate spirit, is spiritless or sensuous consciousness. In order to become real knowledge, to reach the element of science which is its pure notion itself, this sensuous consciousness has to work itself through a long way” (Hegel 21).