Global Conflicts and Their Consequences
I. Europe dominated the global political order at the beginning of the twentieth century, but both land based and transoceanic empires gave way to new forms of trans-regional political organization by the century's end.
- Establishment of East India Company began relationship with South Asians
- South Asia introduced U.K. to new materials
- Asian migration increased for education and economical purposes
The Quebecois separatist movement
- political movement and the ideology that promoted the secession of Quebec from Canada
- caused by the many cultural differences between Quebec and the rest of Canada
A. The older land based Ottoman, Russian, and Qing empires collapsed due to a combination of internal and external factors
- From 1945-1974, there was a lot of immigrants from Algeria
- Especially during the Algerian War
- However, because of tension between Algerians and French, immigrants no longer welcome
... the United States
- Two types of Filipinos, poor and educated
- Close to four million Filipinos in the U.S.
- One of the largest immigrant groups
Examples of internal and external factors:
- Economic hardship- Europe circumnavigated Africa for trade and relied on the Americas rather than the Ottoman middleman
- Political and social discontent- Weakening in the sultanate, bribery, favors in office, favoritism, nepotism, and corruption spread across the empire
- Technological stagnation- Industrialization of the leading nations led to these empires to crash and burn. Western societies went through renaissance, reformation, and enlightenment
- Military defeat- Investments in the military (and lost military battles) caused heavy tax burden on people
B. Regional, religious, and ethnic movements challenged both colonial rule and inherited imperial boundaries
Examples of regional, religious, and ethnic movements...
-The Zionist Jewish settlement of Palestine
Palestine was promised to them by the British in 1917. This pledge fed existing Zionists aspirations for the Hebrew people to return to their ancient middle eastern lands of origin. Their goal was to obtain a publicly and legally secure home in Palestine for the Jewish people
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
- created partition of India and creation of Muslim state of Pakistan
- part of Indian National Congress then joined the Muslim League
- believed that partition was necessary to protect Indian Muslims
- negotiated with Britain to create Pakistan
-The division of the Middle East into mandatory states
Mandates were carved out by European powers in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq under the league of nations
C. Transitional movements sought to unite people across national boundaries
Examples of transitional movements...
-The India/Pakistan partition
When the British left, they partitioned India, creating the separate countries of India and Pakistan to accommodate religious differences between Pakistan and India. The partition did not stop the conflict; the unresolved boundary issues caused two wars and continued strife
C. The proliferation of conflicts led to various forms of ethnic violence and the displacement of peoples resulting in refugee populations
B. The migration of former colonial subjects to imperial metropoles maintained cultural and economic ties between the colony and the metropole even after the dissolution of empires
Examples of such migrations...
-India from British Empire
- Indian National Congress
- Took a long time
- Indians could rule themselves with British watching over them
II. Emerging ideologies of anti-imperialism contributed to the dissolution of empires and the restructuring of states
A. Nationalist leaders in Asia and Africa challenged imperial rule...
- a political way of thinking of how society should work or be organized
- goal of communists is to create a classless society by eliminating power of bourgeoisie
- "Marxist"recognition spread from the Soviet Union to other countries, especially during the Cold War
- communism offered oppressed countries a chance to be equal
- a movement for the political union of all Arab nation
- started in Middle East and was caused by intellects tired of imperialism
- Muhammad Rashid Rida wanted unification
- United Arab Republic (UAR) wanted to unite Syria and Egypt, but failed because of all the fighting and inequality felt among them.
- wanted to achieve liberation
- Pan-African Congress wanted the independence of Europe’s African colonies
- Pan-Africanism was devoted to recovering and preserving African traditions
The Biafra secessionist movement
- Biafra, a Western African state, declared its independence from Nigeria in 1967
- due to the economic, ethnic, cultural, and religious tensions among the various peoples of Nigeria
- ceased to exist as an independent state in 1970
Examples of nationalist leaders...
The Gold Coast from the British Empire
- Pioneered by Kwame Nkrumah
- Independent nation of Ghana
- first independent black African state in 1957
- government controlled marketing
- 1948 rioting
B. Some colonies negotiated their independence
C. Some colonies achieved independence through armed struggle
Examples of such ethnic violence
- Total number of people killed between 1 and 1.5 million
- killing of population through massacre and forced labor
- included Assyrians and Greeks
-The Holocaust
- Approximately 6 million Jews were killed
- 42,000 facilities were used to concentrate, hold and kill Jews
- Khmer Rouge rule between 1975-1979
- Four year period cost about 2 million lives due to political executions, starvation, and forced labor
- Mass slaughter of the Tutsis by the Hutus
- Estimated 500,000 to 1 million killed
- Culmination of longstanding ethnic competition
Examples of negotiated independence...
Examples of independence through armed struggle...
-Algeria and Vietnam from the French empire
- 1962, Algeria's independence from French empire, acquired from riots; put an end to all republics; oldest African colony
- 1954, Vietnam's independence from French, major defeats; against guerrillas
-Angola from the Portuguese empire
- 1975, violent revolutions to end Portuguese dominance
- Minority was white, majority was black
- Whites had more dominance
- 1948, apartheid by Afrikaners
- 1975, They earned their independence
D. Movements to redistribute land and resources developed within states in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, sometimes advocating communism and socialism
-Mohandas Gandhi
- leader of Indian nationalist movement against British rule
- doctrine of non-violent protest to achieve political and social progress
- peaceful protests include boycotts and civil disobedience
-Ho Chi Minh
- Vietnamese communist revolutionary leader
- led the Vietnamese nationalist movement
- fought first against Japanese, then the French colonial power, and then the U.S. backed South Vietnamese
- was a president of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam
-Kwame Nkrumah
- leader of Gold Coast's (Ghana's) movement toward independence from Britian
- first president of Ghana
- advocated Pan-Africanism
Examples of displacement of peoples
- 85% of the Palestinian Arab population were driven by force or fear from their homes
- Fled Lebanon, Syria, Jordan
- War in Darfur, a guerrilla conflict
- Human casualties range to several hundred thousand dead, millions forced into refugee camps or over the borders
A. The redrawing of old colonial boundaries led to population resettlements
Examples of population resettlements...
III. Political changes were accompanied by major demographic and social consequences
By Daphne, Rachel, Ameerah, Krista and Mekhi