There are 4 levels of education that prisoners may complete while completing their sentence.
-The 4 levels of education include:
a) Basic: general education degree for those who require a grade school education background that is completed in 2 years and finalized with a government accredited exam.
b) General: The GED High school equivalency program-inmates are given 2 years to complete their GED Diploma with 600 lessons to ensure that spare time is spent studying rather than obsolete inactivity in solitary confinement.
-is followed by an exam mailed to the government.
c) Advanced Education:
Level one: Vocation training/volunteer: an inmate may complete a career training placement in order to gain of insight on their future career as well as gain experience needed to begin a career
Level two: In addition to career training is the theoretical component of the education program which requires inmates to either study at the Siberius Schools or study online with membership to online universities.
Siberius University
-Offers education degrees including Bachelor of Science, Management, Education, Psychology, Economics, Mathematics, Technology, Health Sciences, Fine Arts, Political Science etc.
-Each education degree will contain designated courses and mandatory courses such as English, Law Mathematics, Economics, Science (2 courses chosen in Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Technology, Neurology, Psychology, etc.).
Level three: The Masters / PhD Program: Inmates who have completed a Bachelor's Degree can now apply to universities that are online for to receive a master's degree.
Level four: Inmates would apply for designated careers in for example psychology to work as psychologists or legal representatives for other prisoners. Therefore making a difference in prisons and in society on conditional release.
The system is made up of 16 prisons and incarceration centers, four of which hold prisoners accused of being part of the anti-occupation insurgency. But there are dozens of other holding cells on U.S. bases, where Iraqis spend their first days in captivity. About half of all detainees are at Abu Ghraib.
How many Iraqi prisoners are being held by U.S. forces?
A March 2, 2004,New York Times article had said that "more than 10,000 men and boys" were in custody, ranging in age from 11 to 75.
What was the chain of command at Abu Ghraib prison?
MPs were in charge of the day-to-day operation of the facilities, and military intelligence officers ran interrogations.
-Canadian Correction Centres are founded on the notion of restorative justice as an objective of Correctional Service Canada (CSC) in interest of the public safety.
-The CSC are known for their victim-offender mediation services which are used to form co-operation, identify issues, and help offenders in understanding Restorative Justice values and principles.
-The CSC gives volunteer opportunities for victims and offenders in search of justice, responsibility, and restoration.
-Retribution is somewhat of a concern, however the main objective of CSC is centralized by the notion of restorative justice.
-Restorative Justice is defined as the method of restoring damages to society in compensation for criminal offences as opposed to other means of justice such as retribution (punishment of for example, imprisonment).
-Rehabilitation has become an increased concern of the CSC.
Works Cited
Bobrik, Alexey, et al. "Prison Health in Russia: The Larger Picture." Journal of Public Health Policy 26.1 (YYY2005Y): n. pag. JSTOR. Web. 13 May 2013. <>.
Denbeaux, Mark. NATIONAL SECURITY NATIONAL SECURITY "ODD" RECIDIVISM NUMBERSUNDERMINE THE GUANTANAMO POLICY DEBATE. Newark: Centre for Policy and Research, 2012. Seten Hall University School of Law. Web. 21 May 2013. <>.
"General Information on Canadian Prisons." The University of British Columbia. Faculty of Medicine: Department of Family Practise, Nov. 2012. Web. 13 May 2013. <>.
"Head of the Russian Federal Penitentiary Service for the Republic of Tatarstan Daufit Hamadishin participated in the program 'Theme' on TV 'Ether.'" Official Site FPS Russia. © Federal Penitentiary Service. 2003-2010 yy, 2 Dec. 2013. Web. 15 May 2013. <>.
"" International Centre for Prison Studies. University of Essaex, n.d. Web. 23 May 2013. <>. 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press., n.d. Web. 23 May 2013. <>.
Latif, Nizar. "Horrors of Iraq prison torture continue." The National. Abu Dhabi Media Company, 6 Sept. 2009. Web. 23 May 2013. <>.
Lindstrom, Peter, and Eric Leijonram. "The Swedish prison system." 2007. PDF file.
Otterman, Sharon. "IRAQ: The Prison System." Council on Foreign Relations. © Copyright 2013, Council on Foreign Relations, 11 May 2004. Web. 23 May 2013. <>.
"Russia’s Prison Population Has Reduced by 20%." Copyright © 1998 Moscow Center for Prison Reform., n.d. Web. 13 May 2013. <>.
"Statistics." Released and Restored-A Justice Ministry in Nebraska. Released and Restored,Inc, 2002. Web. 21 May 2013. <>.
"The Swedish Prison and Probation Service." Sept. 2007. PDF file.
"Rehabilitation for the Amelioration of Society"
Works Cited
Conditions in Russian Prisons
Form of Justice: Restorative
Living Conditions: poor hygiene
Recidivism rate: 35%
Educational Programs: Education institutions have been created for prisoners to acquiring a basic education, a high school, as well as a post secondary education by distance learning.
Employment: “In 2006, work programs comprised about 31% of all program activities, education formed 16%, service and maintenance programs comprised 25%, specialized rehabilitation and treatment programs, 5%, and other activities 21%” (“The Swedish Prison System 567).
Rehabilitation Programs: Over 50% of convicts charged with two months in prison abuse drugs and/or alcohol. Organized division are at reach for those who seek rehabilitative treatment for drug or alcohol abuse.
-Overcrowding; by the year 2000, the average space per person was about half a sq m.
-Some prison facilities are over 100 years old.
-49.2% of inmates have died from TB in 1997.
-18.2% of prisoners have deceased from heart disease in 1997.
-DOTS-plus program was launched in 2002 for detection and treatment of severe illnesses.
Recidivism Rates in Canada
Complaints from Prisoners
Form of Justice Applied: Restorative
Canadian Corrections Programs
a)Health care was reported as 13.5% of complaints
b) Imprisonment conditions (7.9%),
c) Cell property (6.9%).
=in total was equivalent to 28.3% of all complaints (“General Information on Canadian Prisons” 1).
-20% of those in federal inmates include Aboriginal people, which is in equivalence approximately “seven to eight times higher” in comparison to the amount of Aboriginal people (3%) of the total federal prison population" (“General Information on Canadian Prisons” 1).
-CSC is aiming to deter all types of offences from being committed again.
-1000 federal prisoners have committed an additional offence upon release.
-During the period of April 1, 1990 to March 31, 1993, the average recidivism rate for each 12 annual quarters studied has stayed at 4.8%.
-The amount of offenders on conditional release has increased to 10% during the same year. (8937 in April 1990 to 9793 by March 1993).
-offenders on full parole reported less recidivism in comparison with offenders in mandatory supervision.
Recidivism Rates: Full parole-1.9%, Mandatory supervision-10.8% for 12 quarters)4 times annually for 3 years).
-Aboriginal Initiatives
-Chaplaincy Services
-CORCAN (furniture, equipment, etc)
-Correctional Programs
-International Transfer of Offenders
-Offender Management System
-Programs for Families of Offenders
-Victim Services
-Restorative Justice
-Women Offender Programs
Weighing of Disadvantages and Advantages
Prison in Canada
Form of Justice Applied: Retribution
Living Conditions: Overcrowding, terminal illnesses are eminent such as Tuberculosis and HIV.
-The poor living conditions of imprisonment are attributed to the structural flaws of the prison facilities such as “poor ventilation, high humidity and lighting" ( Bobrik et al. 36).
Death rate: In the year 2002, the total death rate was “less than ten percent” in comparison to prisons with lower death rates: 24.33 vs. 327.79 per 100, 000 (Bobrik et al. 39).
Rehabilitation Program: Improvement is required given that there were an observed high statistics of drug dependency by prisoners.
Recidivism rate: 51%
Death Rates
-5% of detainees at pre-trial detention facilities are either charged for severe crimes or for usual criminal offences.
--on the contrary, in comparison to other years, the incarceration population in Russia had decreased by 20 percent during the fall of 2002.
-After drastic legal reform, the imprisonment population decreased in prisons in the year 2000 by 200,000.
-Towards the end of 2002, the Ministry of Justice facilities detained 877,000 people with a rate of 670 per 100,000.
-The Russian prisons are characterized as containing poor living conditions as well as insufficient educational programs.
-People with severe illnesses are released from prison.
-In a 1994 study, convicts composed of 90% males, 4 to 5 % females and a similar percentage of 4-5% for juveniles.
-Over 85% of prisoners are aged between 20 to 49 years of age.
-Approximately 60% of prisoners are under 30 years of age.
-Less than 3% of prisoners are under the age of 18.
-1.3% of convicts were educated with university degrees.
-14.9% of prisoners have had career training.
-78.5% of prisoners have a high school education and 5.3% of prisoners had only a gradeschool education.
-AIDS and HIV are the major causes of death among prisoners as reported in 1992.
-During the decade of 1999-2000 to 2008-2009, 533 federal inmates reported dead.
-18.6% of inmates died due to suicide.
-During the decade of 1999-2000 and 2008-2009, 5.8% of the federal inmates’ deaths were caused by homicide.
Canadian Correctional Programs
Includes violence prevention, family violence prevention, substance abuse, sex offender, community based correctional programs etc.
Education/Employment Programs
-Education and Employment Programs were created to support reintegration of offenders in society.
-Education Programs include:
-Adult Basic Education Program (Grades 1-10)
-Secondary Education Program
-Vocation (Career) Education Program
-Post-Secondary Education Program
Education Rates:
-65% of inmates have an grade school education lower then the eigth grade.
-82% of inmates have a grade school education lower than the tenth grade.
Secondary-25% of inmates take part in the secondary education program.
Career education: 25% of inmates take part in the career training programs such as:
- welding/metal trades, hairdressing, small engine repair, auto mechanics and autobody repair, electronics, carpentry and cabinet making, upholstery, plumbing, cooking, as well as computer programming.
Post-Secondary Education: less than 10% of inmates are involved in post secondary education programs.
-offenders pay for their own post secondary education.
Employment: offenders working in an institution can make $5.25 to $6.90 a day based on work input.
-unemployed prisoners are given a daily allowance of $1 per day.
-unemployed prisoners without fault of finding jobs are given $2.50 per day.
Weighing of Advantages and Disadvantages
The Iraq prison is titled the Iraqi Correctional Service (ICS). The prison population is 37,014 and this total includes pre-trial detainees and remand prisoners who, account for majority of the total at 4.6%.
The ICS had operated 9 prisons and 7 pre-trial detention facilities at the end of 2007. In addition it had operated 17 holding areas or detention facilities in Baghdad and at least another 13 nationwide for detainees captured during military raids and operations.
The official capacity of the prison system is 14, 698 therefore, it has reached its limit.
Abu Ghraib
During the 2003 invasion of Iraq, it was placed under the command of U.S forces and it was reopened and used to hold criminals and later those suspected of terrorist activities.
In Aug., 2004, the Pentagon reported info of "deviant behavior and a failure of military leadership and discipline" at Abu Ghraib.
Reports in the U.S. media explicitly revealed to the public the extent of the physical and sexual abuse of Abu Ghraib detainees, many of whom were civilians who had not been charged; photographs showed the abused, mostly naked Iraqis, some of whom were accompanied by smiling U.S. soldiers.
Facility Architectural Layouts
Facts: Continued
What rights do Iraqi prisoners have?
Prisoners in Iraq fall into three legal categories: prisoners of war, security detainees, and criminal detainees. Somewhat differing rules established by the Geneva Conventions apply to the treatment of each, but there are some basic guarantees that apply to all. The rules bar violence, physical or mental torture, corporal punishment, or outrages upon personal dignity, especially humiliating and degrading treatment. These rules have been affirmed by the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in Iraq and by the U.S. Defense Department.
Positive Aspects
There have been affirmed rights by the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) established.
Negative Aspects
There is a lack of accommodation for prisoners.
Torture - U.S militants have failed to uphold the rights of the prisoners. This is due to the 2004 controversy which U.S militants released photos of Iraqi prisoners they had abused.
The Shawshank Redemption
Society had greatly changed when Brooks was released therefore, our Ideal Prison, through employment and volunteer service, will keep the prisoners in tune with society beyond their walls.
Cultivating crops is a form of chores - responsibility - just as those in the film held a daily routine.
Libraries and gaining an education is a way to improve the prison environment and when they are released they are able to use this knowledge as a possibility for job options.
Typical Day of a Siberius Prisoner
Education Cont'd
Description of Architectural Layout for the Ideal Prison
The Ideal Prison
How Will the Siberius Penitentiary Facility Differentiate
From Other Correctional Facilities?
Educational Opportunities at Siberius Penitentiary Facility
Funding for the Correctional Services
Rehabilitation at Siberius Penitentiary Facility
Total budget=$1 million(construction of ward)
Architectural Measurements include:
-a 4 floor dynamic of each institution.
-each floor will measure as 30,000 sq m. containing 1000 detention rooms.
-each detention room will measure 5m by 5m in surface area and will detain a maximum of 10 inmates.
-therefore the average space between prisoners would be 2.5 m.
-the complete measurements of each of the 2 buildings will be estimated at 175 m. by 175 m.
Architectural Features Includes:
Indoors: Legal Services, Visitor Room, Head office, Detention Hallways, Library, Rehab, Psychiatric Unit, Gymnasium for Athletic/Social Activities, Cafeteria, and Medical Unit.
Outdoors: The Detention Ward would cultivate a small farm for sources of vegetation that would allow the prison to create environmentally friendly atmospheres, establish work ethic and responsibility among inmates, save money on food expenses, as well as strengthen the immune functions of inmates against illnesses through consumption of natural resources. The rooftops of the prisons would have solar panels as a source of electricity that would be used in the buildings thus save additional money on utility expenses such as electricity. In addition, 2 athletic fields would be constructed including the field as well as a race track for running. The summer activities would be coordinated with boot camps to help strengthen the well beings of inmates as well as ensure discipline and diligence.
The various penitentiary facilities did not include efficient rehabilitation services for inmates. Ideally, there is a correlation between rehabilitation and recidivism or repetitive behaviour. To eliminate the pattern of criminal behaviour, it is crucial for a correction facility to include rehabilitation services in constant supervision and improvement. In addition, education of the inmates is also necessary in order to keep inmates informed.
The four main purposes of improving sentencing in comparison to current system includes:
1) Restrict parole sentences in order to deter criminals from being unreasonably released into society.
2) Instill a validation process for affirming the criminality and threat of the inmate.
3) Depending on the severity of criminal offenses, some sentences must incorporate correlative methods of retribution for inmates such as solitary confinement, joint cell confinement, increased indoor/outdoor responsibilities.
4) Ensure common ground and cooperation among inmates and guards.
The essential requirements entitled by inmates include rehabilitation, responsibility, restoration, education/training,as well employment. In order to ensure that all mandatory requirements of inmates are initiated, measures such as training/recruitment of additional correctional employee personnel will be enforced.
Legal Company Name: Justice United Correctional Mediation Services
Prison Name: Siberius Penitentiary Facility
Mission Statement: The main objective of our correctional services is centralized around the fundamental notion of restorative justice. We believe criminals should be given opportunities to restore damages to society and complete humanitarian initiatives to the community for the intent of improving our communities.
Essential Goals:
1) Reduce the likelihood of offenders being released into society without sufficient completion of rehabilitation and restorative justice services.
2) Increase the responsibilities of the inmates to cultivate disciplinary conduct including responsibilities at the prison, and to the communities.
3) Educate all inmates with arrangement of violence/criminal awareness activities.
Security System: As part operating a prison in conservation of security of society, the correctional facilities must be managed under a maximum security facility. Every door in the prison facility will have an alarm system for immediate indication of intrusion. Every corridor will include 10 prison guards. The surroundings of the correctional facilities will be supervised by guards as well as security canines that will sense odd behaviour and seize any prisoners. Three facilities will be constructed in organization of an internment facility for new convicts.
- Psychiatric Care : includes psychiatric assessment, visitation by psychiatrist/psychologists.
- Interactive Lectures/Activities: enlightening on issues such as violence, addiction, mental health, etc.
- Rehabilitation Unit: Inmates become in-patients at the rehab centre.
- Sponsorship program: inmates are sponsored by other inmates who must assist one another and required to contribute to their community to evolve the notion of interdependence. Inmates must abide by an anti-violence policy and are mentored by rehabilitation leaders in activities.
- Group therapy/Individual Therapy.
- Nutrition/Fitness Regiments: are required to design nutritional diets and fitness routines with schedules created.
- The Intervention Program to prevent relapse.
Solar panels/Windmills: $200
Utility Expenses (Hydro, Electric, Solar Power + Wind Powered Mills=free) Hydro=$20/month
-Rehab/Psychiatric Unit/Library=$25,000-30,000
-Medical Unit: $40,000
-Legal Services: Inmates will have to pay from their money or else receive a government rep.
6am-6:30-Inmates wake up, get dressed, and eat a breakfast meal.
6:30am-7:30am-Work outside on farm/volunteer with important chores such as cleaning, laundry, etc
7:30-11:30am-Inmates are require to complete a community service activity
11:30-2pm- Inmates have a lunch period where can either go to the gym, library, watch television, or arrange a visitation.
2pm-6pm-Inmates are required to complete daily academic assignments/studying.
6pm-6:30pm- Inmates have dinner.
6:30-8:30pm-Inmates are required to take part in rehabilitation services.
8:30-9pm- Inmates are required to read an item of literature, news or study.
9pm-6am-Prisoners are sleeping in their cells.