Rotate the compass housing to align orienting line with the north-south line on the map.
Ensure the floating needle points north.
Reading Bearings
(map to land)
Line the side of the compass perfectly between
Point A your start point
Point B your destination/finish point
Grid to mag add + 2 degrees
Turn anti clockwise
Take the compass away from the map.
Put red Fred in his shed.
Spin the whole compass not the housing/dial.
MAKE SURE the direction of travel arrow points the way you want to go
Problem Solving Skills
We can use the acronym STAR to overcome a problem.
S - Situation - In pairs you have to complete a problem solving course in the next outdoor learning session demonstrating effective team communication, undertaking responsibilities, following instructions and feedback from the team leader.
A - Action, today you need to acquire the problem solving skills to be able to complete the task
R - Review, be able to review yours and your buddies strengths and assign responsibilities for the task on the postcard at the end of the session.
S - Situation
T - Task
A - Action
R - Review
Problem Solving Acronym
T - Task - In order to complete the team task successfully you must be able in your pairs to demonstrate the following skills successfully to pass you practical assessment.
- Effective speaking (7C's) and listening
- Following instructions
- Problem solving skills
- Recognise basic map symbols
- Read a 6 digit grid reference
Demonstrate the character traits/qualities (character builder)
- Contributor
- Safe
- Focused
- Listener
- Persistent
- Organised
- Resolver
- Observant
- Honest
- Patient
Reading a six digit grid reference
Points of a compass
What are the benefits of using a compass and when would you need to use it?
Key points 1:25000 maps
1. Orientate and set the map
2. When you arrive at a destination you should always set the map/orientate the map this allows you to correct view features as they appear the map.
3. Distances
4cm on the map = 1km
1cm on the map = 250 metres
4mm on the map = 100 metres
4. The contours lines, represent the height; these are in intervals of 5 metres on 1:25000 and are orange lines.
A compass dial is like a circle it therefore has how many degrees in it _____ degrees?
Each part of the country has two letters that represent 100km square.
National Grid
Identify the two letters which represent where we are?
When working with maps and grid references why might it be important that you know which letter 100km sq you are in?
Can you give the 6 digit and grid reference for the:
1. The girl in light blue .....................
2. The boy in blue .....................
3. The girl in navy blue .....................
4. The dude in black and red ......................
5. The person in orange .......................
Aim - To prepare for the teamwork problem solving practical assessment .
Problem Solving Skills
noun: problem-solving
the process of finding solutions to difficult or complex issues.
Problem solving is an essential skill in the workplace and personal situations.
Effective communication recap
It is the process of working through details of a problem to reach a solution. It can sometime be called critical thinking skills.
What are problem solving skills?
Police Force
Social Services
Armed Services
Fire Brigade
Nursing and Care
What jobs require problem solving skills?
Session Outcomes
1. Re-cap transferability of outdoor learning to work
2. Discuss aims an outcomes of sessions
3. Discuss problem solving skills and traits
4. Identify key map symbols
5. Demonstrate taking a six digit grid reference
6. Demonstrate taking a bearing map to land
7. Identify roles and responsibilities for the problem solving Thursday Hailes Abbey
8. Allocate roles and responsibilities
Extension - Test the teacher
3.1. State why it is important to know own and others roles within the team.
Communicating effectively with staff and buddy (the 7C's)
Taking/ reading a six digit grid reference,
Calculating paces taken and time over a 100 metre distance
Taking a bearing from map to land using.
British Values
Mutual respect and tolerance - working successfully in a team and being inclusive.
What positive character traits/qualities could be associated with problem solving?