Tertiary Time Period
Facts About our Time Period
Major Events
- 80% of species, including Dinosaurs dissapeared.
- Sientist saw hge alterations in earths systems and the development of the modern world.
- the tertiary period is where the mass extinction began.
- The Tertiary period consisted of six epochs Paleocene,Eoccene,Oligocene,Miocene, Pilocene.
- Mammels and birds evolved massively.
- Pangaea had begun to break apart.
- about 95% of the species and plants died off or dissapeared.
- also known as the Megacerops.
- prehistoric realitive to the Rinoceros
- they butted heads for breeding privilages
- instead of one horn they had two.
- Paralichthy is a genus to the large-tooth flounders
- There are still alive today
- Most of its species lives in the coastal waters of the Americas.
- They live up to 3 to 10 years
- Large prehistoric realitive to the modern-day elephant.
- it survived until the early Pleistocene
- other than elephants it had a shorter trunk and curved tusks attached to its jaw.
- Nicknamed Giant Ground Sloth
- size of a modern-day elephant
- its size was exceeded only by few.
- also known as the hagerman horse
- prehistoric realitive of the Zebra
- one of the oldest horses of the genus Equus
The desciption is a leaf.
The scientific name is Staylea acminata lesquereux.
Metasequoia occidentalis
- extinct redwood species
- fossils are found throughout the northern hemisphere.
Also known as dicots they are more than likely found in groups of two.
Over 200,000 species within this group.
Then and Now
enviorment changed as time went on but
- mosly made up of mountain ranges and green
Climate and Weather
The climate was warm and moist but by the middle of the period Earth starting cooling.