From the Bible Knowledge Commentary:
Revive Me
Teach Me
Strengthen Me
Defend Me
Verse 31
Verse 32
"cling" - same as vs 25
“Enlargement of heart comprises the
expansion produced by love (2 Cor 6:11);
also by increased wisdom (1 Kings 4:29);
also by delight (in contrast to the
contraction of heart which grief produces),
(Isa 60:5; Ps 4:1; 18:36)” (JF&B).
Psalm 119:25-32
"Let me realize the blessings
and benefits of living
according to your word."
Ten Key Words
Verse 29
Verse 30
Psalm 119 & God's Word
"false ways" vs God's law
Joshua 24:15
We are to meditate in it – vs 15, 97.
We are to delight in it – vs 16, 124.
We are to observe it wholeheartedly – vs 34, 140.
We are to speak/share it – vs 46, 129.
We are to never forget it – vs 93, 109.
We are to keep its commandments – vs 44, 115.
We are to respect it continually – vs 117, 128.
Psalm 25:5
"I set your rules before me"
Daleth Section - vs 25-32
Verse 25
Verse 28
The dust is the place of
the afflicted, the wounded,
and the dead” (JF&B)
"My friends scorn me; my
eye pours out tears to God"
(Job 16:20)
Psalm 44:25
"give me life" - Eph. 2:1-10
Verse 27
Verse 26
God's precepts lead a person
down a particular path.
Here is a person who
is dependent upon God.
Ps. 1:1, 86:11
Ps. 25:12
John 14:6
Ps. 34:15
Ps. 25:4
Do we meditate on God's Word?