- Attend Saint Francis University in Loretto PA.
-cost; $28,000
-APR: 3.5%
TOTAL: $112,00
Scholarships; Epilepsy Foundation(1,000), Fellowship
program(2,000), plus other scholarships/ grants
I will have to pay at least $700 a month to pay off all my loans in 15 years.
The Finish Line
Spokesperson/ Coordinator of Nonprofit
- Spokesperson/ Representative for organization
- Own my own private Public Affairs business.
- Graduate from Central Dauphin High School.
Public Officials
- Finish Senior Project presentations
- start support groups for elementary schools.
Board Of Education
The Spokesperson
What is my job?
Half way mark
International Groups
Public Health Department
- Attend a four year university and double major in social work and public relations.
-Start Grad school project for social work.
- Work with the epilepsy foundation, board of education and other resources to achieve goals.
- Speak internationally on behalf of organization.
- Plan events/fundraisers/clinics
- Work with public officials to make sure the needs of clients are met.
- Communications skills REQUIRED
- Technological skills
- Time management and detial oriented
- Most important passion and devotion.
Advancing in this career is entirely up to the connections you, and the more you expose yourself to.
This and That
- Jobs in the social work field are due to increase by 25% faster in the next six years.
- Jobs in Public Relations are due to grow 21% faster than average in the next six years.
- Beginning Pay $31,000
- Average: $ 75,000
After graduation from college;
-get a job working with a nonprofit organization.
-use my P.R degree for entry level careers.
-Attend Grad school for social work.