Lalla Salma Association to Fight Cancer
One of the best things she did was make this Association to raise public awareness for cancer. She also was big on HIV/AIDs awareness.
The King and Queen have two children Moulay Hassan, Crown Prince of Morocco, And Princess Lalla Khadija of Morocco.
She was born into a terror era. She was alive for Bomb in basment of world trade center. She was alive for 9/11
The princess was born May 10th 1978 in a big town called Salma bennani, Morocco. Her parents Al-Haj Abdel Hamid Bennani and Naima Bensouda put her through general public education untill she decided too
The Queen is veiwed by her country fairly well. She travels all around the world representing the country of Morocco. Like going too royal weddings. Or going too important dinners.
In 1999 she met her future husband King Mohamed ll. They got married in 2002. That is when she became Queen.
King Mohamed is from Rabat, Morocco. He became king of Morocco when his father died in 1999 (The king of Morocco)
Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco