Write 400+ word narrative story in the perspective of a character besides Beowulf. Use the text for support, but feel free to use your imagination as long as you consider life during the Anglo-Saxon period
Monster Art- Create an artistic depiction of on of Grendel, Grendel's mother, or the Dragon. Use knowledge gained from the text and further research. Be prepared to discussed the knowledge used on your project.
Feast for Beowulf- You may create an edible project. The food needs to fit one of the following qualifications:
- Must be a food from the Anglo-Saxon Period
- Must be made of edible properties, but depict a scene, character, or setting of Beowulf
- Must include a recipe card for each member of the class, complete with dining customs of the Anglo-Saxons
Parody or Music Video- Re-write lyrics to a popular song about Beowulf and his epic battles. Record the new lyrics to create a music video or perform the parody/song yourself. You must provide a copy of your lyrics to the class. Video must not exceed five minutes.
Create a modern magazine or newspaper showing the daily affairs and concerns of an Anglo-Saxon or a Dane in Hrothgar's community.
Incorporate at least four articles featuring either events from Beowulf, the culture, or the history of the Anglo-Saxon Period
When is it due?
A day 10/11
B day (1st period) 10/10
No late submissions; no exceptions
Writing Component
- 250 word summary of your project
- Include reference to Anglo-Saxon period
- Include reasoning for why your subject is significant to the poem
Presentation Component
Product Based Component
- Easy to understand
- Refers to the text of Beowulf with accuracy and detail
- Must include Anglo-Saxon culture references
- Originality and creativity
- All projects will be presented to the class
- Must be audible and clearly articulated
- Must show an enthusiasm and knowledge about project
- Show well rehearsed; delivered an appropriate pace with voice inflection
- Clearly explain work so that the design of the project is understood
Create your own
- Must be approved
- Must fit required criteria
Construct a structure or scene from Beowulf
- Structures
- Herot
- Grendle's Lair
- Royal Throne
- Beowulf's ship
- Beowulf's memorial tower
- Scenes
- Battle with Grendel
- Battle with Grendel's mother
- Battle with Dragon
- Herot on the morning after Grendel's attack
- Beowulf becoming King
- Beowulf's death or funeral
What should I do???
Create a page on social network depicting one of the characters from Beowulf. This page must include a profile picture, posts or tweets that would have occurred during the sections we read, and references to the Anglo-Saxon culture.