Evolution of Crocodiles
- Anatomical
- Palatal- valve at the back of their throat to stop water from getting in
- Stomach- can dissolve anything they consume due to their eating habits
- Scales- provide good camouflage along with their color
- Eggs: They lay their eggs in nests above the water so they don't flood, but in order for them not to dry out, they lay them during the wet seasons
- Eating: They eat stones to balance their digestive system
- Basking and Sunbathing: They bask to cool themselves down and sunbathe to keep warm when cold
- Acidic Stomach: They have the highest acidity out of all vertebrates, which allows them to easily digest their food
- Metabolism: They are able to regulate their own metabolism, so when their environment is a good temperature for them, they can slow their metabolism so food is not necessary every day
Modern Relatives
- Alligator:
- Tough skin due to thick vegetation
- Webbed feet for aquatic environments
- Teeth can regrow
- nostrils on the top for swimming
By: Kadienne Sizemore & Blu Funk
Period 6
- the Protosuchus was more suited for land with longer legs and eyes on top of its head. Though it was drove into water by competition with early dinosaurs
- -this caused the marine reptile Mesosuchia to evolve a longer and more slender snout to feed off of the new prey
Thank you!
Compare and Contrast
- snout started short then progressively evolved to a longer one.
- evolved from land and water to marine then back to more shallow waters.
- the earliest ancestor was about 88 pounds where the modern crocodile is about 2,200 pounds having the weight grow steadily overtime.
- All three seem to have scales.
Intermediate Ancestor
- Name: Mesosuchia
- Habitat: Aquatic areas
- Fresh water and salt water
- Size: Not clear, probably in between modern crocodiles and Protosuchus
- Diet: Molluscs and large sea reptiles
- Physical Description:
- Paddle-like forelimbs due to the aquatic environment
- Very closely related to the modern Crocodile
- Longs snouts adapted for their diet
- Flat on the side of the skull
- Type: Reptile (marine)
Timeline of Crocodiles!
Earliest Ancestor
- Name: Protosuchus
- Habitat: Riverbeds of North America
- Size: 1 meter in length, 40 kilograms in weight
- Diet: Meat
- Physical description:
- It had a short jaw that broadened at the base of the skull.
- It had teeth in the lower jaw that fit into notches when closed.
- Strong tail for propulsion through water
- reinforced scales
- 2 rows of boney plates on its back
- Type: Reptile
Jurassic- 210 million years ago
Modern crocodiles
- Habitat: Mostly freshwater habitats
- swamps
- rivers
- lakes
- Size: 5-23 feet long, and weigh up to 2,200 pounds
- Diet: Large game, fish and birds
- Physical description:
- Webbed feet for swimming
- 80 replaceable teeth
- Thick skin and scales
- smooth skin on their stomach and sides
- Green, brown or grayish in color usually