Survey Accountability
- Payment Processing AES goals were shared by 2/20/2015.
- Supervisor action plan will be shared.
- Follow-up meetings will occur throughout the year to ensure we are taking the necessary steps to achieve goals.
- Follow-up Meeting: 06.18.2015
- Follow-up Meeting: 09.23.2015
Growth and Development, continued...
4x4 Meetings
- Set actionable goals with associates who would like to develop in their current position or towards their next position. Utilize 4x4 meetings to discuss progress on those development goals.
- Look for opportunities for associates who are meeting expectations to assist in projects or functions that align with career goals.
Development Opportunities
Growth and Development
- Review associate achievements each month and identify opportunities for training needs.
- Review training requests from associates. E-form to request training will be implemented by end of Q2.
- Training requests will be honored if meeting expectations.
- Requests for training can be for new functions or refreshers.
Teamwork and Involvement
- Review e-forms for retro, borrower payments, and research to create efficiencies by improving options and format.
- Seeking and implementing changes based on associate feedback to reduce hand-offs between teams on e-forms.
- Suggestions will be tracked when received and will be reviewed by your leaders to determine next steps.
- We have gotten assistance and trained 1 other associate to work rebatched items.
- E-form improvements for SRC and SC e-forms are with the Analyst team. Marked as Top 10.
2014 AES Action Plan
- Daily schedules will be more accessible.
- Find ways to reduce leadership from being a bottleneck to doing daily tasks.
- Build team lead knowledge base to better assist with questions
- Conduct shorter touch point meeting throughout the week.
- Track and set deadlines for action items on function based meeting agendas so progress is visible to associates and leaders.
- Ashley has been doing a great job of expanding her knowledge. She has been processing BP batches and attending training when possible.
- Rally Meetings - How are these going? Should we change the formatting?
- Inventory, High Priority Items, OOTO, and Items pending Leadership
- Tracking Questions, Action Items, and Deadlines - We have been using OneNote for the research team to submit ideas and track progress. I will be rolling this out to the other teams.
Special Projects:
- Tracked and monitored in inventory reports through new "Projects" section.
- Written procedures will be created and shared with team
- Training classes will be conducted with associates processing and quality checking
- Quality check points outlined and shared with processing team.
- Quality checks will be completed as projects are being completed to ensure timely feedback to associate.
- Projects section in IMS has been created.
- Retro - School Refund Clean-up Project followed this methodology.
- Due to quick deadlines and project depth not all projects can be completed in this manner, however, when possible this is the process we will follow.
Performance Management
- Provide clear expectations and feedback to associates for projects and daily tasks.
Daily Functions:
- Ensure procedures are uploaded to the portal by the end of Q2 for retro and research functions.
- Benefits: Procedures will be easily accessible, processes will be aligned, and updates can be easily distributed.
- Retro Procedures have been uploaded to portal.
In Progress:
- Research procedures still need to be created, reviewed and uploaded to the portal.
Performance Management
The Road Ahead in 2015
- By the end of Q1 each level of Associate Expectations will be updated and communicated to associates.
- Job duties and expectations will be clearly outlined
- Each associate will be held to the same standards
- On a monthly basis the leadership group will review R/Es and make any appropriate adjustments
- All adjustments will be communicated via a Floor Communication by the 15th of the month.
- Job descriptions were posted to portal by end of Q1
- RE's have been reviewed and changes communicated each month.
- Note on Research REs: These have not changed since implementation. We are trying to identify a baseline and will beginning the quarterly reviews starting in FY2016.
Manager Effectiveness
- Improvements to workload management
- Cross Training team members
- Benefits:
- More Variety in work
- Bench is strengthened
- Better allocate resources to inventory needs and avoid overtime requirements
- Cross-training between borrower payment and unapplied functions completed in 1st and 2nd quarters.
- Additional cross-training to continue throughout the year.
- If you have interest in learning something new please submit the NEW! e-form.