By week 10 a graduation banquet is given and parolees receive a certificate of completion.
25-30 parolees are invited to a college campus for 10 weeks.
They are screened by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation's Southern Region.
Participants are immersed in academic, life skills, and career development modules during the 10 week period.
In the first week they are given a gift card to purchase business attire clothes.
In the 5th week they are given a laptop computer.
In the 8th week they are enrolled at Mt. San Antonio Community College and are assisted in completing financial aid forms.
In the 9th week parolees attend a job fair for meet and greets with many employers in the area
The ultimate goal is to create a prison - to - school pipeline and provide inmate-students with the cognitive tools necessary to function as productive citizens
There is a college within a 15-20 mile radius of the majority of California's prisons.
With the education being provided recidivism rates will decrease by at least 40%
Prison Education Project
On Nov. 1st 2011 the office of correctional education and California Institution for Men teamed up with Prof. Renof Reese of Cal Poly Pomona sought to fix our recidivism rate.
Some argue those inmates who are educated in prisons are just becoming smarter criminals.
Many argue that educating a prisoner is not the right thing to do for someone who is supposed to be punished for a crime committed.
Many against education programs for prisoners state that fact that everything else they get for free as well. This makes prison seem like an ideal situation to be in.
Turns our criminal justice system into a joke when potential criminals believe serving time to be easy.
Unfair to hardworking law abiding citizens
The History
Inmates who participate in prison educational programs are 43% less likely to return to prison after release.
The costs of educating an inmate(GED or College) is between 2,000 to 4,000 dollars per inmate, per year compared to 32,000 to 40,000 a year to incarcerate them.
Improves a released inmate's job outlook when returning to regular society.
With an education prisoners can overcome the stigma of their criminal record. 75% are actually able to overcome this stigma and get jobs.
Education helps speed up the aging out process.
In 1790 Walnut Street Jail, the nations first penitentiary offered education programs to inmates.
Prison education loses support in 1820's because of societies shift from rehabilitation to hard lined crime control.
In the late 1800's reformatory model caused a shift from hard lined crime control to rehabilitation and education.
Prisoners became eligible to participate in educational programs in 1965 under the higher education act signed by Lyndon Johnson.
This act allowed inmates to apply for Pell grants to pay for the education.
By 1982 post secondary education programs existed in 45 states.