Comparative Advertising
4 Elements of A
Marketing Proposal
What Makes and Ad Deceptive?
Important Links
The Home Depot
Marketing Proposal
How Does FTC Determine
If An Ad Is Deceptive
According to the FTC and ad is deceptive:
- When it's likely to mislead consumers
- When false claim is "Material"
SEO Introductory Meeting
- Encouraged by the FTC, but requires clarity, substation and disclosure.
- Must abide by Truth-In-Advertising rules (3)
- Avoiding deception is imperative
1.) Comparative advertising at a glance
2.) Elements of a marketing proposal
3.) The Home Depot
4.) Question/concerns
3.) Launch strategies
- PR strategy and execution
- Ad strategy and execution
- Other promotional efforst
4.) Dissemination of Information
- Need a unique selling proposition.
- What's in it for them? How will this make them better?
- Gary Hutchinson
- DM of Chicago Home Depot's
- 770.433.8211
- POV of the reasonable consumer
- Examine express and implicit claims
- Looks at what the ad doesn't say
- Is the claim "material"?
- Looks at your evidence
1.) Image
- Unique Selling Proposition
2.) Marketing Strategy
- F.B.A.
- Positioning
- Pricing
- Distribution
- Communication strategies