The Effect of Plant Growth in
Different Types of Light Lab Procedures
I believe that the plant that recives the colorless light will grow faster than the plant that recives coloed light because the plant with colorless light will be used to that type of light unlike the plant with the colored light who will not be used to the color.
Day 1
Get both Marigold plants
from your teacher.
Put one cup of soil in each planting tray for the marigolds.
Water each marigold with a half cup of water.
Measure the hight of both of the plants.
Turn on the Growth light on one plant and the red light and growth light for the other plant. Then record the information in your data table.
Wash your hands and clean up.
Day 3
Measeure each marigold.
Water each flower with a half cup of water.
Record the data in your data table.
Wash your hands and clean up your lab table.
Day 7
Repeat day 3.
Day 9
Repeat day 3.
Day 13
Repeat day 3.
Day 15
Measure each marigold flower.
Record the data in your data table.
Dispose of the marigold flowers.
Wash your hands and clean up.
The type of light.
Growth of the flowers.
Type of flower or plant.
The amout of water the plant is given.
The climate
The amount of soil the plant is given.
Lab Setup Picture