Dead Yard
- Jamaicans are a close-knit family that includes extended family.
- They support each other emotionally as well as economically.
- Family is considered to be the most important group to belong to.
Nine Nights
Important Definitions
- Wake-Ceremony
- Duppies- Spirit of the Deceased
- Nine Nights-aka "Dead Yard" funerary tradition
- Sankeys-Special Hymns
- It is a mixture of African & European culture practices with Christianity.
- The Celebration can range from small to extremely large and are used to show off the financial and social status of the deceased and their family.
- If the duppy is not given the respect it is due, they can cause havoc for the living.
- This should be a period of mourning after death that culminates in ceremonies involving food and dancing on the ninth night.
Nine Nights
- Origin of Nine Nights: It was believed by the African slaves that a person's spirit took nine days to travel back home to God.
- Family & friends gather at the home of the deceased to comfort the bereaved, and to give the spirit a good send off from this world.
- It's important that the rituals are done in order.
Traditions & Beliefs
Death & Dying Project
VNSG 1400
LaDildra Seaton, Amy Lovett, Brandi Williams, Marcie McKelvey, & Claudia Medina
Family Structure
- An open Bible is often placed in a newborn's crib or bed, to protect the baby and ward off evil. The Bible is usually left open at a Psalm.
- The young child of the deceased must be passed over the casket 3 times to prevent the spirit from causing any harm to them.
- A red string may be tied around a newborn's wrist, or in the hair. This is to "run duppy" (chase ghosts away) and ward off evil.
- A mattress of the loved one is turned up and placed against a wall to prevent the spirit from coming back.
- Before a grave is dug, it is necessary for the diggers to have white rum on hand to pour a libation to the earth spirits, before ground is broken.
- Sankeys are sung emphasizing the soul's journey to Heaven.
- A wake is a form of celebration for 9 nights.
- Food, drink, and white rum are a must at all wakes.
Jamaican BurialProcess
Burial Dance
- First, Rum is poured into ground
- Graves are dug east to west and the body placed to face sunrise.
- Mourners take some dirt and with their backs turned to the grave throw it between their legs.
- The deceased's personal belongings are also placed in the grave
Jamaican Myths
- If you point at a grave, you will have to bite all 10 fingers or they will rot off
- The wife/girlfriend of the deceased must wear black/red underwear to prevent the spirit from sleeping with them.
- The furniture in the bedroom-especially the bed-must be rearranged so a dead spouse cannot find his way back in.
- Some people believe that the clothing of the dead should be burned.
- If the house of the deceased is rented right after the death, it should be opened and incense burned in all the rooms before the tenant occupies it.