Chapter V
- Summary
- Conclusion
- Recommendation
- The respondents observed on fish preservation and processing with average weighted mean 4.64. Especially the respondents very highly observed potential for export on washing hands before handling the fishes (4.54 ); wearing complete uniform (hairnet, apron, mittens, and towels).(4.62); using separate packaging board in tunsoy, danggit, pusit, etc.(4.69); uses of handkerchief or towel when coughing, sneezing, and immediate washed hands (4.5 ); all utensils are clean and sanitary during and after the preservation processing (4.77 ); workers uses gloves in handling the fish during the preservation and packaging (4.69 ).
- As presented in table 1.4.The respondents highly observed on fish preservation and processing with average weighted mean of 4.69. Especially, the respondents very highly observed potential for export on fish sea-washed and place in a clean basin (4.61); blood removed from the belly of fish (4.69); spread in split bamboo racks and sun dried (4.73); fish dried with screen covering (4.73); sun dried fish invented to dry the other side of the fish (4.65); fish collected and placed in plastic bag (4.81); fish packaged in plastic bags and sealed (4.58).
Chapter II
Chapter III
- Research Design
- Sources of Data
- Instrumentation and Data Analysis
- Tools for Data Analysis
Chapter IV
Discussion Of Findings
- As presented in table 1.3, the respondents Very Highly Observed on Product Attributes with average weighted mean of 4.46. Especially, the respondents very highly observed potential for export on appearance (4.42); color (4.62); flavor (4.58): temperature (4.65); texture (4.54).
- This implies that the potential for export are excellent on appearance, color, flavor, temperature and texture.
Chapter I
- Background of Study
- Conceptual Framework
- Statement of the Problem
- Significance of the Study
- Scope and Limitation
- Definition of Terms
"Dried Fish Industry in Sual, Pangasinan, It's Potential for Export."
Leslie M. Dizon
Joanna MArie B. Cabotaje
Jeamarie P. Ventenilla
April Anne N. Caballero
Russel De vera