Sample Computer and Calculator Practice
Judy Pritchett, MISD
Open Floor:
- Thoughts?
- Conerns?
- Discussions within your school?
Sample Paper and Pencil Practice,4615,7-140-22709_70117-350086--,00.html
More on M-STEP
Social Studies and Science
- Two part Test
- Online
- Multiple Choice Format
Performance Task
This will be a multi-step assignment requiring students to perform a variety of task.Students will be presented with a 3-5 passages associated with the vocabulary and content shared during the classroom activity
Task to be completed by student:
- possibly create a chart or graph, match vocabulary, write in a response, etc
- respond to a short constructed response
- respond to one extended response in essay format: narrative, explanatory writing or argumenative.
Classroom Activity
An ELA or Math Teacher will facilitate a 30 minute lesson/discussion provided by M-Step
- The lesson is directly related to the performance task of the test and is a scripted document
- The purpose of the session is to expose students to vocabulary and context of the performance task
- There should not be more than a 3 day lapse between the Classroom Activity and the PT
- Designed to ensure that all students are given the chance to be successful with the performance task
Computer Adaptive Test (CAT)
(Grades 3-8)
Testing Will Consist of...
The Breakdown
ELA and mathematics tests:
- Online Test Session
- Classroom Activity
- Performance Task
Will measure:
- Depth of understanding,
- Writing and research skills
- Complex analysis
Science and social studies tests:
- multiple-choice based items.
Michigan Merit Examination
11th Grade
- Summative assessments in English language arts (ELA), mathematics, science, and social studies.
- Questions will range from fill in the blank, multiple choice, short answers, creating graphs, explanations and matching
- Extended time is allowed just like the MEAP
- Headphones are required for the ELA portion
- Schools have the flexibility to schedule test sessions anywhere within the 3-week test window
- Not all students need to be administered the same assessment at the same time, nor on the same day
The Breakdown
The English language arts and mathematics consist of three parts:
- Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) session- online
- Classroom Activity- not online
- Performance Task(PT)- Administered online
Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress
- Taken in the Spring and not the Fall
- M-Step includes multiple choice, performance tasks, writing samples and classroom activities
- Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) for ELA and Math
- Students will be required to apply their learning and critically think to answer a various higher-level questions
M-STEP Summative Assessment
- English 3rd-8th grade
- Math 3rd-8th grade
- Science 4th & 7th grade
- S. Studies 5th & 8th grade