3 stages of ethnorelativism
Stage 2: Adaptation
- a new way of acting
- encouraging intensive exploration and research
- one expands own worldview to accurately understand other cultures and behave in a variety of culturally appropriate ways
- people can consciously alter their behavior to communicate more effectively in another culture
- they think and behave this way because they understand the frame of reference of the other cultures and are capable of acting accordingly
3 Stages of ethnorelativism
Stage 1: Acceptance
- grasping the importance of cultural difference
- a new way of seeing the world
- one’s own culture is experienced as one of a number of equally complex worldviews
- people accept the existence of other cultural contexts
- they think and behave this way because they have a more tolerant and sympathetic attitude towards differences
- for example, accepting that some cultures believe in having multiple wives even though it is not the way we live
3 stages of ethnorealtivism
Stage 3: Integration
- a new way of being
- anything that favours the development of empathy with the other culture as well as the ability to communicate interculturally
- one’s experience of self is expanded to include the movement in and out of different cultural worldviews
- certain aspects of the other culture or cultures become a part of their identity
- they think and behave this way because they are interested in all kinds of intercultural activities
CQ is about developing an ethnorelative worldview
What is ethnorelativism
- A belief that all groups, cultures, or subcultures are inherently equal
- Based on deep and heart-felt respect for other cultures
- Other cultures are seen neither as better or worse, but as equally valid but different and complex worldviews
- An individual's culture is experienced in the context of other cultures
- No one's culture is superior to the others
Group members:
Jia Yen
Li Ling
Yun Tian
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bennett_scale
- http://wws.peacecorps.gov/wws/educators/enrichment/culturematters/Ch6/attitudes.html
- http://www.international.gc.ca/cfsi-icse/cil-cai/magazine/v02n01/doc1-eng.pdf
Thank you