Charity vs. Social Justice
Collective Action
- Are all people able to work together towards the aims of this project, or has someone at the top decided the aims?
- Are all people involved able to contribute meaningfully to this project? Are there any barriers to participation?
- Are there avenues for clear communication between all groups and people?
Defining Charity vs. Social Justice
What does each look like?
Activity: Moving from Charity to Social Justice
Move in groups of 4, rotate through the four scenarios posted around the class and on the chart paper provided, record how each one could move into the realm of social justice versus charity.
make sure you brainstorm what is missing from the activity and what should be added.
Three Conceptions of a "Good Citizen"
1) Personally responsible:
2) Participatory:
3) Justice-oriented:
Multiple Perspectives, Multiple Voices
As global citizens, we need to be aware and critical of our own perspectives while equally valuing the voice and perspectives of others.
- Does this project assume that other people should live like us? Have what you have? Do what you do?
- Are any groups involved assume to be "superior" or "more knowledgeable" about the project and its goals?
- Does this initiative show respect for the dignity, values, history, and culture of all people involved?
Toms Video Discussion
Your Task:
What was the aim of this video?
What/who was missing from this video?
Is Toms about charity or social justice?
Questions to Consider when Planning
- Now that you are experts on social justice, you are going to be formulating and undertaking your own social action projects.
- In groups of 4 (you can only work wit ONE person from your previous group arrangement) you will research a cause/issue that you want to enact change in, develop a plan and execute it.
- Timeline: You will have one day to research (tomorrow) and will be able to plan and meet with your group every Friday after current events.
- Proposal: Your group will be submitting a proposal for your plan next Thursday, April 18th.
Social Justice
- helping someone out
- helping people with something that you are good at
- solving an issue that you are passionate about
- enacting change
- handout
- donations
- compassion
- not for profit
- generosity