I am the Lobster Fisherman in Newfoundland
I am a Clambake
in PEI
I am a Picnic, I am a banquit,
I am my mothers homemade Pie
I'm a few drafts in a Legion Hall in Frederiction
I'm a kite flier in a feild in Moncton
I'm a nap on the porch after a
hard day's work is done
I'm a snowball fight in Turo, Nova Scotia
I'm small kids playing jacks and skipping rope
I'm a mother who lost a son in the last great world
I'm a bride with a brand new ring
And a chest of hope
I Am a Eastener
I Am a Westerner
I am From the North
And I am from the South
I have swam in two big oceans!
and have loved them both
I am a clown in Quebec during carnival
I'm a mass in the Cathedral of St. Paul
I'm a hocky game in the Forum
I'm Rocket Richard and Jean Beliveau
I'm a coach of the little league Expos
I'm a baby-sitter for sleep defying rascals
I am a canoe trip down the Ottawa
I'm a holiday on the Trent
I'm a mortgage, I'm a loan
I'm last week's unpaid rent
I'm Yorkville after dark
I'm a walk in the park
I am a Winnipeg gold eye
I'm a hand-made trout fly
I'm a wheat feild and a sunset
Under a Prairie Sky
I'm Sir John A. Macdonald
I'm Alexander Graham Bell
I'm a pow-wow dancer
I am Louis Riel
I'm the Calgary Stamped
I'm a feathered Sarcee
I'm Edmonton at Night
I'm a bar-room fight
I'm a rigger, I'm a cat
I'm a ten gallon hat
And an unmaned Mountain in the interior of B.C
I'm a maple tree and a totem pole
I'm fresh cut flowers
I'm sunshine showers
I'm a ferry boat ride to the island
I'm the Yukon, I'm the Northwest Territories
I'm the Arctic Ocean and the Beaufort Sea
I'm the Prairies, I'm the Great Lakes, I'm the Rockies, I'm the Laurentiens
I'm French, I'm English, I'm Metis
But more then this, above all this
I am Canadian and proud to be free
I Am a Canadian