How did the Great Depression Cause World War II?
"America's Great Depression." The Amateur Economist. Web. 10 Jan. 2012. <>.
"Depression Economics." ZFacts on Controversial Topics. Web. 10 Jan. 2012. <>.
Copenhagen International School. Web. 10 Jan. 2012. <>.
EBSCO Publishing Service Selection Page. Web. 10 Jan. 2012. <>.
"Dust Bowl." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Jan. 2012. <>.
and Sara's daddykins <3 (:
- Not direct, played supplementary
role in WWII beginning
- Led to poverty in Germany and dissent by
by German people against US, Britain and France
- Many germans lived below poverty, hated
the rest of the world for this
- Allowed Hitler to rise into power
- Hitler invaded Europe to rebuild Germany
- Japan invaded Pacific nations to gain resources
and supplies
The Great Depression
- Severe economic depression
- Began around 1929, ended around 1930-1940.
- Most widespread, longest and deepest depression of
the 20th century.
World War II
By Amelia Jeffery, Sara Friis Elsass, Duc Bui and Alon Cohen
- Global conflict lasting from 1939-1945
- Involved most of the world's nations
- Began with invasion of Poland by Germany
- Subsequently leading to declarations of war
on Germany by France and British Empire.
Who was affected?
- Europe was especially affected
- Many countries had not recovered from aftermath of
- World War 1
- Economic disaster and social dislocation contributed to Adolf Hitler and other dictators's rise
- 16 million unemployed people
- 9,000 + banks failed throughout the 1930s.