Zoo Information
Policies and Procedures
What is Stratex?
Wildlife Connection
Zoo Background
What is Schedulefly?
The Zoo's animals act as living ambassadors for species in the wild, helping our guests make connections that inspire them to help conserve wildlife.
- Milwaukee County Zoo hosts over 3,000 individual animals of over 350 species
- Some are threatened, endangered or extinct in the wild
Stratex is SSA's employee database that each employee can log into and update their information, reach their paystubs, and access their W2.
From Stratex you can also view your hours worked per week.
The Zoo is a part of the Milwaukee County. The grounds are approximately 200 acres. The Zoo moved to this location in 1958 from Washington Park.
Schedulefly is the site we use for all of our scheduling needs.
On Schedulefly, you will be able to:
- Access your weekly schedule
- Release, pickup, and trade shifts
- Obtain fellow coworkers contact information for picking up or trading shifts
ID Badges/Nametag
Your badge must be worn at all times. Your badge is not only your name-tag but also your access to the zoo. Phone numbers on the back are for in case of emergency. Please do not misuse your badge.
All about the Schedule
Zoological Society
There are many ways you can get to work:
- Bus
- Biking
- Walking
- Driving
- Getting dropped off
No matter how you get to work, be courteous of the guests. Employees can enter through the Zoofari Gate, Gate 7 or the Walk-in Gate. Gate 7 can only be accessed before or after the zoo is open to the public. You must have your badge to get into the Zoo.
Employees MUST park in the back of the lot during the busy season, especially weekends.
Contacting Managers:
Hours/Calling In
How the Animals are Cared for
- The schedule runs Monday through Sunday
- Each schedule will be released the week prior
- Requesting off for days must happen at least 2 weeks in advance
- Calling in must happen at least 2 hours prior to scheduled shift
- The call in will be noted and marked as excused or unexcused
- Calling in after your scheduled time will not be excused
The Zoological Society is the Zoo's partner.
They oversee
- Zoo Pass Memberships
- Education programs
- Summer camps
- Volunteers
- Private fundraising
- Support research and conservation efforts
- Designs graphics throughout the Zoo
- Nights in June and Kids Nights
- Guest Services Desk.
STAR Cards
- Must call at least 2 hours prior to your shift
- Retail phone - (414) 256-5427
- Food phone - (414) 256-2516 or (414) 256-5461
- Warehouse phone - (414) 256-5419
- Catering call Manager's or Captain's cell phone
- If you need to leave work early:
- Must notify manager/supervisor PRIOR TO SHIFT
- DO NOT leave without speaking to supervisor
The Zoo works to provide them with veterinary care, balanced diets, physical and mental stimulation, and social groups similar to what they would experience in the wild. Due to the quality of care they receive, the animals often have longer lifespans than their wild counterparts.
Picking Up Bank
Mystery Shopper
No Request off Days:
- Print name on sign-out sheet
- Count at the counting station to make sure you have $300
- $100 ones
- $130 fives
- $70 in coin (4 of each)
- Mother's Day - May 13th
- Memorial Day - May 28th
- Military Family Day - July 1st
- 4th of July
- Zoo Ala Carte - August 16-19
- Labor Day - September 3rd
- October Free Day - October 6th
Things You Need to Know!
Secret Shoppers come to evaluate us once a month.
Returning Bank
They grade each location and one employee from each location on a 1-5 point scale.
- Put all rolled coin at the bottom of the bank bag
- Loose coin goes inside ziplock bag
- Wrap all money with the bank slip and rubber band
- Lock bank
- Insert bank in glass box
- Wait for cash office employee to check your bag
First Aid
Direct Deposit
- STAR Cards
- Mystery Shopper
- EXTRA Cards
- FAST Cards
- Employee of the Month
- Shout-out Board
- Big Weekend Competitions/Incentives
- Monthly Round-Up Contest
- Birthday Recognition
- Monthly Newsletter
- Direct Deposit is highly encouraged
- Bring 1 of the 2 below options to the cash office:
- Voided Check
- Typed letter from bank with routing and account number
- The cash office team will NOT accept hand written numbers
- Your direct deposit will be ready for the next respective pay period
Milwaukee County Zoo Hours
First aid is in each respective area you may work. Immediately inform your supervisor/manager if you get hurt during your shift. An incident report will be filled for any injury big or small.
Picking Up Check
- Banks are counted everyday and will reported
- If you are short or over you will receive a written reprimand
- $5 over or short and employee will receive a written reprimand
- An employee will receive a warning after 2nd reprimand and taken off register with 3rd reprimand
- $20 or more over or short an employee will be immediately taken off register
FAST Cards
- After 2 pm
- Sign out your check
- A cash office employee may ask for ID to ensure they are handing the check to the correct person
- You are the ONLY person that can pick your check up
- Where is the nearest first aid?
- Where is the nearest fire extinguisher?
- Where are the closest bathrooms?
- Where is the nearest severe weather shelter?
- Where is the closest ATM?
- Where is the closest emergency exit?
November - February
- Monday-Friday: 9:30 am to 2:30 pm
- Saturday-Sunday: 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
March 1 - May 25
- Daily: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
May 26 - September 3
- Daily: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
September 4 - October 31
- Daily: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Employee of the Month
Vending Refunds
- Once a month spotlight on an employee from each respective department
- Great guest service, team work skills and go above and beyond work standards
- Managers will decide each month for the month prior
- Receive a $25 visa gift card.
- Drawer audits are run weekly throughout the park
- The cash office will close out the current bank and load a new one into the register
- The employee will follow the cash office manager who will count and enter your bank
- If you are over/short you will be issued a reprimand on the spot
- The Zoo operates Penny presses, Mold-a-ramas, and Zoo medallion machines
- Direct guests to the Zoo Administration Office for these refunds
- SSA is responsible for all Pepsi, Ice Cream, and Chip/Snack vending machines
- Always accept an SSA vending refund
- If possible, offer a replacement product such as a water bottle
- Write down the product given or dollar amount on a receipt and place it in your cash drawer
- Take note of the location of the vending machine, and the specifics of the refund
Employment Verifications
What to Wear: Warehouse
- To log in to the computer, you will need a Windows and Focus Point login
- Provided to you by the Cash Office
- Log out when on break/stepping away from register
What to Wear: Food
Requirements for Warehouse employee:
- Orange Zoo logo polo
- Undershirt solid Black
- Zoo issued lanyard on and ID must be visible.
- Hat not required but only Zoo logo hat is allowed
- Bill facing forward
- Black pants only
- Brown belt
- Brown shoes nonslip (steel toed preferred and highly recommended)
- Solid color socks
- If you need an Employment Verification list Service Systems Associates as your employer.
- Contact the Cash Office Managers to fill out the form:
- Meagan Card - meagancard@kmssa.com
- Conrado Delacruz - conradodelacruz@kmssa.com
Radio Protocol
Requirements for a Food employee:
- Blue Zoo logo polo
- Under shirt solid black or white
- ID worn on right-hand collar
- Zoo logo hat MUST be worn
- No other hats allowed
- Bill facing forward
- Black pants
- Black belt
- Black non-slip shoes
- Solid black or white socks
What to Wear: Retail
Requirements for a retail employee:
- Blue Zoo logo polo
- Under shirt is solid black
- ID worn on right-hand collar
- Hat if requested
- Only Zoo logo hat
- Khaki pants
- Black Belt
- Black Shoes
- Solid color socks
Utility Vehicle Operation
Radio calls should be short and to the point. Speak directly into the radio but never shout. If you need to relay sensitive information make a phone call instead of using the radio. SSA uses channel 3 on the radios.
Cash office is SSA Green and uses the following codes:
- Code 93 when you need change
- Code George for a pick up when you have big bills or a full drawer
- Code Special when someone needs a bathroom break
- Never use the word cash on the radio
Hair should be able to be pulled back
- Neatly combed and away from face
- Shoulder length or longer tucked under hat and out of face
- Only a neatly trimmed mustache or beard
- Any head covering (skull cap/bandana)
- Solid in color
- Not visible with the hat
- Well groomed and professional in appearance
Makeup is conservative and natural in appearance
Jewelry is to be kept at a minimum to avoid damage or loss
- Earrings no larger than a quarter in size and simple
- Earrings may be worn in either/both ears, no more than 3 to each
- Facial piercings - one small stud on the nose
- No eyebrow, septum, bridge, dimple, Monroe, labret, medusa, and tongue piercings allowed
- Some positions require superior regulating based on the food and safety
What to Wear: Catering
Words to Use on the Radio
General Manager:
Stephanie Gray
Meal and Breaks
Requirements for Catering employee:
- Black Zoo logo polo or black button-down shirt
- Black button down provided by employee
- Under shirt is solid black
- ID worn on right-hand collar
- No hat
- Black pants
- Black belt
- Black nonslip shoes
- Solid black socks
Cell Phones
- You must be properly trained and certified with a valid driver's license to drive a utility vehicle.
- You should never ride in the back of the cart. Keep all limbs inside of the cart as well.
All Users:
- Do NOT overload the cart. Misuse of the cart will result in loss of privilege.
- Where to eat during break
- Where to smoke
- Please be professional during your lunch/break
- $4 deduction for eating food during break
- Entree and fountain drink
- Drip coffee and hot chocolate
- Buy all extras items, packaged food, Icees, ice cream and coffee drinks at 50% off - KEEP YOUR RECEIPT!
- How do breaks work?
- Supervisor will send you on your break
- Thirty minutes including walking time
- Late from break can result in a documented write-up
-Did you Copy
-Say Again
-Go Ahead
- Do NOT be on your phone
- Do not use cell phone for personal business
- Let manager know of emergency call prior to shift
- No social media, phone calls, texting, email, taking or sharing photos or videos, playing music or videos, looking at websites, playing games or using bluetooth, headphones or apps
- If you are on break you can use phone out of public view
- Phone should ONLY be used to get a hold of supervisor or manager in case of an emergency
Social Media
- Do NOT post on social media about the Zoo while you are working
- When you are working you are an employee
- When you come as a guest you are a guest
- Divert all zoo news questions to Switchboard
Other Personal Appearance
Animals on Zoo Grounds
- Issued fleece only jacket
- $27 out of paycheck
- Clean uniform
- Well-groomed and professional
- Yoga pants, leggings, jeans, sweatpants, and athletic pants are NOT permitted
- No distasteful tattoos or visible tattoos above the shoulders
- Sunglasses must be approved by manager
- Gum is NOT permitted
- Decorative mouth pieces are not permitted
- Fake fingernails are NOT permitted.
- Fingernails clean, trimmed and natural in color
- Nails no longer than 1/4"
Roundup Donation
There are multiple animals on the Zoo grounds. This is their home so we need to be respectful!
- Turkeys
- Peacocks
- Deer
- Squirrels
- Chipmunks
Do NOT feed any animals.
Please do not touch any animals - living or deceased.
- If a deceased animal is found please call or radio base for removal.
We ask our guests to round up their change when at any of our registers to help support animal conservation.
"Would you like to round up to the nearest dollar for animal conservation?"
We do not take personal tips - any extra money goes to roundup.
In 2017 the projects included:
- Coastal Humboldt
- AZA Reproductive Management Center
- Proyecto Titi
- Bat Conservation International
- Eastern Massauga Rattlesnake Species Survival Plan
- Giraffe Conservation Foundation
- AZA Tiger Conservation Campaign
- Ocean Spirits
What is our goal for this year in roundup donation?
Unit Controller:
Conrado Delacruz
Retail Operations Manager:
Cassie Browne
Food Operations Manager:
Scott Anderson
Warehouse Manager:
Ian Shafer
Executive Chef:
Matt Mathiak
Catering Director:
Lisa Perez
Assistant Unit
Megan Lindquist
Assistant Retail
Operations Manager:
Brianne Griebler
Assistant Food
Operations Manager:
Warehouse Assistant
Mark Meyers
Executive Sous Chef:
Joshua Hochtritt
Catering Operations
Larry Peterson
Bar and Beverage
Operations Manager:
Chelsea Hubal
There is an Emergency; What do I do?
Bomb/Terrorist threat
Suspicious Person
If you see a suspicious package, person or behavior:
- Notify Switch and be clear and concise
- Give Specific information and location
- Be prepared to help evacuate
What is Switchboard?
-This is where all incoming phone calls are answered and Zoo radio channels are monitored
-Switchboard is located in the Zoo Administration Office, in the U.S. Bank Gathering Place
When would I need Switchboard?
-For some pressed penny press, zoo medallion or mold-a-rama refunds, lost and found, and any zoo guest information
-If a guest asks you something that you don't know send them over to Switchboard
- Be prepared to move quickly
- Listen to your supervisor for further instructions
Fire Emergency
Weather Emergencies
- Know where the fire extinguishers are near your location
- Radio to switchboard and be clear and concise giving specific information and the location of the fire
- Protect yourself and guests
- Go directly to shelter
- Crouch as low to the floor as possible and keep your head covered
- Stay away from windows
- Stay until the all clear is given by switchboard on the radio
- Be prepared
- Get to know the zoo during your work day
- Know and report hazards and dangers in your area
- Know where the nearest escape route in your area is
- Know where extinguishers are located
- Know where first aid kit is in your area
- Know the zoo's emergency number and when to use it (its on your badge!)
- Stay Calm
- You got this!
Accidental and Medical Emergencies
Lost Child
- Notify switchboard of the emergency
- What to report?
- Location of emergency
- Age of the person
- Male/female
- Is the person conscious or breathing?
- Are there any known medical conditions?
- Refer to the back of your badge for emergency numbers
- If the emergency happened at SSA location - tell your manager so we can fill out general liability
- Look for and report what caused injury to prevent future injuries
- Stay calm
- Full description of the child
- Age, gender, hair color, color of clothing and shoes, etc.)
- Last location child was seen
- Call switchboard with the details in clarity
- Report to your supervisor/manager
Emergencies: Lost Child, Hurt Guest, Weather, Fire, etc.
- Be prepared
- Get to know the zoo during your work day
- The Zoo will play West Minster Chimes over the intercom for weather hazards
- Listen for the all clear on the radio after the emergency
- Report hazards and dangers in your area
- Call switchboard with full description if there is a lost child
- Know where first aid kit is in your area
- If you need to use it make sure to tell your manager
- Know the zoo's emergency number and when to use it (its on your badge!)
- Stay Calm
- You got this!
Animal Escape
Notification of Emergency
Advance warning via public address system
- West Minster Chimes will play on zoo loud speakers
- Listen closely for type of emergency
- Direct guests to shelter
- Help guests exit the zoo
- Get yourself to safety
Take Pride in What You Do
If you are reporting:
- Stay calm and let switchboard know:
- What is the animal
- Location and direction
- Is anyone hurt
- Can you SAFELY observe the animal?
If you hear a report:
- Stay calm
- Get the public to safety
- Stay off the radio
- Please do NOT try to be a hero
After the Emergency?
- Listen for the all clear
- Get the injured to first aid. Don't move injured unless in immediate danger.
- Stay out of damaged buildings
- Stay away from power lines
- Don't use matches or lighters
- If you smell fumes, leave and notify proper staff
Guest Service Training
- Every job and duty is important.
- We are giving our guests an experience with the job that we do.
- Treat guests, other employees and our animals with respect.
- Project the proper image.
- Help the guest abide by our policies.
- Keep the guests out of harm's way.
- Help keep the park clean.
- Participate in drills.
It is our duty to provide an environment for personal renewal and enjoyment for our guests.
Why is customer service so important?
- Enhance customer satisfaction
- Increases attendance and revenue
- A happy customer will tell 4-6 people about their experience
- An unhappy customer will tell 9-15 people about their experience.
- It gives us a better representation
How do I handle an Upset Customer?
1) Listen to their complaint - Why are they upset?
2) Acknowledge their complaint. Be understanding. Do NOT make excuses.
3) If you can fix the issue, GREAT! Do it immediately. If not get a supervisor/manager.
4) When things are resolved thank them and apologize for any inconvenience.
Remember LAST if it helps you!
L - Listen to the complaint
A - Apologize; always use "I" not "you"
S - Solve yourself or get someone who can
T - Thank them for bringing it to our attention and wish them well!
Thank you for coming to Orientation. We are looking forward to a great 2018 season with you!
Little Things Make a Big Difference!
- Greet guests with eye contact and a smile.
- Don't be on your phone!
- 10 feet: Eye contact; 5 feet: acknowledge and say hello
- Provide immediate service
- Be engaged
- Be aware of your body language
- Be upbeat and have a positive attitude
- Preserve zoo guest experience
- Thank each zoo guest and wish them a great day!
Let's Keep Things Safe
Theft of Money
Food Locations
Restaurant Locations: 4
Snack Locations: 4
Popcorn Wagons: 4
Snack Carts: 4
Food Trucks: 2
Beer Locations: 2
Responsible Alcohol Training
- Theft of money is grounds for immediate dismissal and possible arrest
- Each bank is put into a reporting system and will show whether a cashier is over/short
- Friends or family must pay full admission and parking to get into the zoo
- Not allowed to loiter near the employee will working
- You must also pay full admission and parking when visiting as a guest on your day off of work
Personal Protective
Equipment ("PPE")
- You must be 18 years or older to serve alcohol
- There are 8 food locations that serve beer
- There can be 2-10 catering locations serving beer, wine, and liquor
- If you already have bartending license, we will make a copy for your file.
When Serving alcohol
- To consume or buy alcohol, a guest must be at least 21
- You must ID everyone guest who appears at least 40 years old or younger
- Glass bottles are poured into plastic cups
- 1 ID is valid for (2) alcoholic drinks
- If the ID presented doesn't look like the person ordering:
- You should quiz them about the ID or you can ask for a second form of ID
- Contact a supervisor or manager for second opinion if needed
If a Guest seems to be Intoxicated:
- Call your supervisor over to help
- The supervisor will handle the situation
- Supervisor will call Squad 823 with description of the guest
- You are allowed to refuse service if necessary
Daily Tasks
Food Service
PPE 101:
- Any equipment that is used to keep you safe during your work shift
- Examples: Hearing protection, Cut gloves, Wet Floor signs, Wearing non-slip shoes, Teaching Electrical and Environmental safety, Ladder safety, Good Ergonomics, etc.
- If there is anything you feel that would be beneficial to your safety, please let us know
Handwashing should happen after using the restroom, smoking, touching your face or hair, reaching in pockets, changing gloves, or changing jobs. This is not all inclusive.
Never reuse or blow into gloves. Gloves should never replace hand washing.
Cook all hot food to 165° and hold at 135° or higher. Hot food must be discarded after 4 hours. Cold food must be 41° or lower
Temperature Danger Zone = 41° - 135°
Prepared food must always be dated for the day that it is made.
Storage (bottom shelf to top shelf): Poultry, Meat, Dairy, Produce, Ready-to-Eat Foods
Switch cutting boards and utensils after each task. Make sure to sanitize the area after each task.
Opening Tasks
Throughout the Day
Guest Service
F - Friendly
- Smile and greet each guest!
A - Attentive
- Ask the guest, "What can I get for you?
S - Speedy
- Getting the guest their food quickly and safely
T - Thank you
- We have location binders that will give a general list of opening procedures
- Each station will have an individual opening list per location
- Goal of opening: Stocking up your area to ensure you have everything for the day (food products, paper products, etc.)
- This time is crucial to set yourself up for success for the day
- Cooler Temperature Logs throughout the day
- Stocking Beverage Coolers, Soda Fountain Areas, and Condiment Areas
- Restocking Impulse Buys
- Keeping Dining Areas Clean by Wiping Down Tables, Chairs, High Chairs, and Sweeping
- Keeping up with Dishes as much as possible
- Maintaining a clean environment
- Assisting with light food prep, as needed
Theft of Product
Clocking In - Time Theft
Retail Locations
*All employees get 20% off in the gift shop
- Anything you need to get ready to work should be done before you clock in.
- Write down your time in and out on the paper form near the time clocks
- Remember to clock in under the correct work code
- Theft of product is grounds for immediate dismissal and possible arrest
- Not limited to cash registers, this also includes:
- Retail merchandise, cleaning supplies, food, drink, vending items, tools, equipment, office supplies, tickets for attractions or events, lost items, coworkers' belongings, etc.
- FOOD: If we don't make it, you don't take it
- Personal items should be locked in a locker and removed at the end of each day.
- SSA is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Closing and Cleaning
- Close to Open
- Stock Orders
- Cooler Temperature Logs
Guest Service
E - Every guest is greeted
- Make sure that every guest who walks through the door is greeted
X - Cross paths
- Walk the store to be able to cross paths and talk with every guest
T - Take the time
- Get to know guests and don't rush through
R - Remember to suggest
- Always suggest a promo or other item they might like
A - Always thank each guest
*Members receive 10% off purchase with membership card
SSA - Milwaukee County Zoo Orientation
Congratulations on Joining Our Team!
"The Milwaukee County Zoo is, and will continue to be, one of Wisconsin's premier attractions. We hope you enjoy your experience as a member of the Zoo staff." - Chuck Wikenhauser - Zoo Director