Gobi Desert Food Web!
Gopher Snake
Golden Eagle
Gray Wolf
(Tertiary Consumer)
Food Web
Gobi Bear
(Tertiary Consumer)
Kit Fox
(Secondary Consumer)
Kangaroo Rat
Plate-Tailed Gecko
(Secondary Consumer)
(Primary Consumer)
(Primary Consumer)
(Primary Consumer)
Jack Rabbit
(Primary Consumer)
Bactrian Camel
Goitered Gazelle
(Primary Consumer)
Uhh, to make reading easier, just try to follow the arrow that's in the middle of the screen and that should show the energy flow from one organism to another.
Musk Ox
Desert/Flying Insects
(Primary Consumer)
Tamarisk Tree
And lastly, what eat the carnivore(s)!
Time to see what eat the herbivores of the Gobi Desert!
Oops! Almost forgot the decomposers!
Desert Ants
Thanks for watching (oh, and sorry if it was a bit confusing, I tried to make it as clear as I could!)
Batis Marit-ima
Saxual Tree
Done with shrubs, now let's see grass!
Now that we're done with nitre bushes, let's see the tamarisk trees!
Time to check out halophytes!
Now let's see the last of the plant-consumers, the batis maritima-consumers!
Finished with ephedras, moving on to shrubs!
Let's see the nitre bushes!
Let's take a peek at what the carnivores typically eat!
Time for a look at the animals that eat wild onions!
Time for the saxual tree-consumers!
Let's see that saltwort consumer!!!
Oh, and of course, what eat the insects of the desert!
Let's start with the producers by taking a look at what eat ephedras!