Supporting your speech
"I use not only all the brains I have, but all I can borrow."- Woodrow Wilson
- Magnitude
- Proximity
- Concreteness
- Variety
- Humor
- Suitability
- A statement expressing an individual's attitudes, beliefs or values
Expert Testimony
- controversial or not, authority helps
- good for predictions
- careful not to alter the intention of their words
Lay Testimony
- a witness, victim or relative (firsthand)
- not as authoritative or unbiased but often more memorable
Literary Quotations
- often an authority and familiar to the audience
- accessible
- Numerical data that summarizes facts or samples
Using Statistics
- Putting multiple together can increase ability to persuade
- "hard evidence"
- Need to be reputable, authoritative and unbiased
- Helps to compare or rephrase into numbers and percentages
- Use visuals to represent
- A comparison that uses relationships to increase understanding; typically done in pairs
- connects unfamiliar ideas to things your audience already knows
Literal Analogy
- Compares things that are actually similar (two sports, two cities, two events)
- Draw on listeners' culture as a frame of reference
Figurative Analogy
Definitions by Classification
- Simile or metaphor
- Compares things that seem to have little in common
- Share a vital feature
- Not "hard" evidence, but inherently interesting
- placing a term in the general class, group, or family to which it belongs, then differentiating it from all other members of the class
- typical dictionary definition
Operational Definitions
- Explaining how something words or what it does
- Usually original
- Known word used in a unique way
Descriptions & Explanations
- tells you what something is like using details
- a statement that makes clear how something is done or why it exists
- audience mentally sees, hears, touches, tastes what you describe
- vivid, accurate, and specific
- can be used with any kind of illustration
- How
- Why
- Provides an analysis that often leads to a better solution
- a story or anecdote that provides an example of an idea, issue or problem the speaker is discussing
- almost always ensures audience interest
Brief Illustrations
- No longer than a sentence or two
- Often done in multiples to drive home a point
Extended Illustrations
- Resembles a story
- Vividly descriptive
- Has plot- opening, complications, climax and resolution
- More time, but more emotionally compelling
Hypothetical Illustrations
- Can be brief or extended
- Events that haven't but could occur
- Can put your audience "in their shoes"
- Vocab signals a hypothetical illustration